Which Is Better For Plumbing Leaks: DIY Or Professional Plumber?


Accessing do-it-yourself (DIY) plumbing tips is easy and quick, especially since there are numerous resources on the internet. With these tips, you can rectify your plumbing issues and save money while acquiring knowledge.

Nevertheless, some plumbing leaks are too complex and can only be done effectively by a professional and experienced plumber. But still, the question stands, should you call a professional plumber or DIY?

This feature post will provide helpful tips on when to do it yourself and when to contact a plumber. Keep on reading to learn more.

When To Call In An Experienced Plumber

Most homeowners use costs to determine whether to hire a plumber or do it themselves. However, this shouldn’t be the case since there are other factors to consider when it comes to fixing plumbing leaks besides cost. It’s understandable that not all plumbing issues require a professional’s touch and it might not be a bad idea to solve leakages yourself.

There’s no argument for it: some plumbing repairs are best handled with professionalism. As a homeowner, you can only rely on web resources to know your needed tools and what to do. A slight mistake when handling leakages in your home can lead to a more severe plumbing issue that can affect the quality of your property.

On the other hand, a professional plumber doesn’t only offer experience; they know the type of tools they require for what job and how to use them efficiently. Besides considering the amount you’ll pay for plumbing services, you should also consider the benefits an experienced plumber brings.

When determining whether or not to hire a plumber, you need to ask yourself if you can guarantee your work. Are you confident you can provide a long-lasting solution for the plumbing issues? Also, can you diagnose plumbing issues that can cause significant issues if left unattended? The answers to these questions can help you understand whether you’re fit for the job or need a professional plumber.

Plumbing Leaks That Require A Professional Plumber

Close-up Of Water Is Leaking From The White Sink Pipe

As already said, some plumbing issues are best left to professionals. Such issues include:

  • Interior Leaks

Sometimes, you might require plumbing renovation for pipes within the walls, ceilings, or floors of your home. A professional plumber handles such plumbing issues better as they can result in severe issues if done by someone with no experience. That said, these plumbing issues are a DIY no go zone.

  • Exterior Plumbing

It’s not uncommon for your exterior pipes to experience damage that might require immediate attention. Over time, exterior pipes can wear due to flooding, tree roots, and debris. If left unattended, these issues can result in severe plumbing issues affecting your property’s value. But as much as these issues require immediate attention, you shouldn’t try to work on locating leakages and fixing them as they require a professional’s expertise.

  • Frozen And Broken Pipes

To fix frozen and broken pipes, you need to know the reason for the breakage. Since frozen pipes require adequate thawing to prevent breakage and further damage, they’re better attended to by a licensed plumber.

Plumbing Projects That Are Suitable For DIY

The following plumbing issues might not require a professional plumber to fix:

  • Slow Draining Drains

If your drains aren’t draining effectively, you can unclog them easily and quickly. All you have to do is try some home remedies for clogged drains without the need to hire a plumber. Nonetheless, if you try out several methods and the drains won’t drain, the issue might be severe and require professional services.

  • Leaky Faucet

Repairing a leaky faucet is technical and might not require an experienced plumber. You first need to turn off the water valve to drain the system, then cover the drain with a washcloth before removing the knobs. Then unscrew the nuts supporting the faucet, remove the worn-out washers and O-rings, and replace them with new duplicates.

  • Installing New Faucet

Most homeowners have changed a faucet or have seen someone change one. Installing a faucet might not require an experienced plumber since all you need to do is turn off the water valves, both hot and cold, before beginning the procedure. Afterward, remove the old faucet and replace it with a new one.


Whether or not to hire a plumbing expert to solve your plumbing leaks depends on more factors than cost. First, you should determine if you can perform a long-lasting plumbing task. If you’re trying it out and aren’t sure you can handle the issue, it’s advisable to call a professional plumber.

You should also understand plumbing problems that you can and can’t handle. But if you can do it yourself, it might be a good idea to give it a shot. Remember, even if you DIY and experience a challenge, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from an experienced plumber.