Tips for Creating a Child-Safe Yard


Your yard is the ideal place for your children to play and explore. It needs to be a safe and open space for them to nurture their curiosity and skills and learn about the world. Here are some top tips for turning your yard into a child-safe haven.

Lock Away the Danger

Make sure to keep any adult tools away from inquisitive little hands. Common garden items like lawnmowers, shears, weed killers or pesticides are all dangerous things to keep around children and even the most obedient child can still have a rebellious streak.

Keep all gardening tools and chemicals safely locked away in a shed with childproof locks. Make sure any older kids don’t know where the keys are kept o ensure that no meddling takes place behind you back.

This shed can still be stylish and modern to fit in with the aesthetic of your garden. Instead of a typical shed, you could purchase one of the steel outbuildings from Armstrong Steel which can be customized to fit all budgets and tastes while being the perfect place for you to store your equipment.

Remove Poisonous Plants

Many common garden plants are poisonous to humans and pets. If you have children who like to roam about and put things in their mouths, there are certain plants you should make sure to avoid for your garden.

Get a Jungle Gym

Create a safe place for your children to play within the garden. A jungle gym is a great choice as it can fit the aesthetic and design of many different types of gardens. You are also guaranteed a lot of use of it while your child grows, making it a great and worthy investment.

When purchasing a jungle gym, make sure it assembled correctly and safely so it won’t collapse while your child is playing on it. Any platforms should be kept at a safe height for your children; remember that the closer to the ground it is then the safer your children will be. Choose the right flooring to go underneath it. Grass might not be the safest and there are many customizable options to add a pop of color to one corner of your garden.

Perform Regular Sweeps for Danger

Even with basic safety in place within your garden, you should not become complacent. Get used to checking your yard every now and then to make sure it is still safe.

If you have a fence, check for areas where the wood is rotted or damaged. Repair any holes as soon as possible and don’t forget to clean up any splinters or tools.

People may still walk past your property, especially in suburban areas, and some uncaring individuals may choose to throw litter into your yard. A quick sweep will tell you if there is anything to be picked up. The same principle can be applied after a storm or other bad weather; a quick check will let you tackle any debris left behind.

Keep an eye on your children while they are playing but, most importantly, let them have fun. Place fun decorations around to make it a fun and welcoming place for your children to grow and learn!