Things To Consider For Protecting The Exterior Of Your House


It’s easy to fix interior tasks such as maintaining your air-conditioners, painting your living rooms, fixing leaking taps and faucets, etc. These tasks are easy to monitor because their associated problems are all the time in front of us.

Most people can do it on their own, but there is no shame in seeking out a professional’s help too. After all, your home’s safety comes first, and thus, just handling the interior isn’t enough! But how do we fix our exteriors? What all can we do to ensure that our boundary walls remain strong and beautiful?

This article takes you through some basic steps in keeping our exteriors strong and well-maintained.

  1. Prune away your surrounding trees, grass, plants, etc. Fallen branches and leaves can threaten your walls and foundations in more ways than one. Decaying leaves and branches secrete acids and other fluids that can damage the foundations of your walls. While having greenery around us is desirable, it is equally important to keep trees and shrubs at bay.
  2. Watch out for the roots of the surrounding trees. If you aren’t watchful, these roots might creep in and destroy the foundations of your house. Similarly, don’t let grass and small plants grow on your walls. Please remove them in the first instance.
  3. Fix your cracks. Since your house is made up of concrete, it may develop cracks over time. Fix these cracks as soon as you see them. Don’t sleep over the job; plug those cracks at the first instance. If you ignore these tiny cracks, these will become bigger, and the problem would become unmanageable.

To fix these small cracks, you may consult specialists like Rekote.

  1. Paint your exteriors once in every three years. Your outer walls are subject to rain, snow, and sun all the time. Not surprisingly, they may fall prey very soon if you aren’t careful. Protect your exteriors by painting them with appropriate colors. For an excellent painting job, you will have to prepare your walls. Scrape the unwanted chemicals and materials off, and then apply a primer. Leave the walls for some time, and then use a fresh coat of paint. Keep an eye on the moisture in the wall. If you aren’t careful, this moisture might erode the paint a few years from now.
  2. Check your roof. Look out for damaged, curled, bald shingles. If your shingles are curled up or have gone bald, it is time to re-do your roof. Curled up shingles mean that your roof has lost its strength. Similarly, look out for missing shingles. This means that your roof is directly exposed to sun, snow, and water. Check whether there is any moss on your roof. Sprouting of moss means possible decay of your roof-materials. Remove this moss with the help of water and specialized chemicals.
  3. Clean up your main door. Remove dust, and stains from your exterior door. Repaint it periodically. Please don’t use an abrasive while cleaning it; else your door would look ugly and spotted. Similarly, clean up your windows; remove any stains on the outside glass with the usage of the right chemicals.
  4. Clean up the gutters. Check whether any small branches, grass or any other objects are clogging your gutters. If the covers of your gutters are damaged, replace them with new ones. Cleaning up gutters and drain pipes is very important for keeping your house hygienic. Call an expert if the problem becomes serious.
  5. Effective weatherstripping of your doors and windows; Check whether your doors and windows are weather-proof. This is important to make your home warm and comfortable. Replace the older weatherstripping if there is a need for it.
  6. Repair window gaps regularly. Plug them with sealants so that your home is secure and warm.