Refurbishing The House In 6 Simple Steps


It is that time of the year when you decide to clean your house. All these years you have accumulated a lot of worthless stuff, and it is time to remove all of it. You want to make your home a happier, cleaner place where you can invite friends, family, and others for some good times and better memories. While there is a lot of online information on how to refurbish your house, this article gives out the same information in just six simple steps.

1. Outline your vision

This means quietly sitting in your room and visualizing what your new house is going to look like a few months from now. In simple terms, you are donning the role of an architect. This is quite an easy thing to do because only you have the clarity of the future. Of course, if you can afford an architect, you can burn some money but why not save it and do the same thing yourself.

2. Dividing the tasks

Once you know what you have in mind, hire an architect. Call him or her to your house and share your vision with him. Ask for his opinion. This is what is called dividing to conquer. Now that you have the opinion of your architect evaluate and assess it. Is your architect adding value to your vision? Good? Architects always do. Now that you have the big picture, you are set for taking the third step.

3. Budgeting

Every activity, small or big, requires a budget and so should your home refurbishing activity. When you have a budget, you are forced to work within limits. However, you may need to balance your needs with your budget. There might be a specific item that is quite expensive but improves aesthetics dramatically. Are you willing to bite the bullet and take that leap of faith? You decide.

4. Planning

Budgeting is done, now is the time to plan your home refurbishing activity. Break your activity into small measurable steps and track them. Planning isn’t everything; you also need to fix time limits to each of your activities. For example, if you are planning to repaint your wall, break this activity into small measurable steps like:

-choosing the right shade that goes with your mood.

-where will you find the shade


-finding the painter who will do the job

– when will the job be done

What you have just read is a part of an Activity Sheet, and this document tracks your various tasks. If you are looking for some great painting tips for your house, click here.

5. Research, research, research

You’d be surprised when you start researching for your favourite stuff. For example, the expensive lamp you fancy might cost half its listed price in your neighbourhood store. The beauty of refurbishing house on a budget is that forces you to look for alternatives without compromising on quality. Develop a list of other options for all the major items, and you will be surprised at your savings.

6. Smart thinking

You don’t have to buy things to renovate your house necessarily. If repainting your door makes your home look bright, go for it. There is no need to bring a new entry. Similarly, use lighter shades to make your rooms look ‘bigger’. White, yellow, and cream shades make your living rooms more significant and more spacious.If you have a lot of stuff in your home, you can perhaps store all of it on a mezzanine floor. Or you can use that space to host small parties for your kids, friends, and family. The point is that smart thinking can change your jaded house into a beautiful property.