How to Avoid Getting Stuck in the Snow This Winter in Appleton and Wisconsin


When it comes to snow removal, the most important thing you can do is start early—at least two weeks before your first expected snowfall. This will give you plenty of time to map out a strategy and order the equipment you need so you’re not caught off guard when the snow starts to fall. It is safer to hire a commercial snow removal service to do the snow plowing professionally so you can avoid getting stuck in the snow this winter.

Whether you drive to and from work every day or enjoy having time on the weekends to play in the snow with your kids, you may be wondering how you can avoid getting stuck in this winter’s inevitable snowfalls. While we may not be able to predict the weather accurately all the time, we can take certain precautions accurately predict the weather, so we don’t end up stuck in it. Here are some things you can do to avoid getting stuck in the winter snow.

Use winter tires

While it’s impossible to predict what Mother Nature has planned for winter, there are steps you can take now to help ensure you’re less likely to get stuck. If your vehicle isn’t equipped with four-season tires, start planning now to have them installed before winter arrives. Most car dealerships and independent tire shops can help you find something that works best for your vehicle and budget. And if you find yourself stranded on a snowy road, don’t forget: It’s always better to stay inside your vehicle until help arrives.

Buy a good shovel

Even if you don’t plan on using it regularly, investing in a sturdy shovel can give you peace of mind—and hopefully help clear your walkway or driveway when there’s a big snowstorm. Qualified service offers commercial snow plowing for your convenience. Their machines clear sidewalks, stairs and all types of commercial snow removal.

Have traction devices

Traction devices are an excellent way to avoid getting stuck while driving. If you’ve lived where snow is a major issue, you probably know that even if your car runs just fine, you can get stuck easily if you don’t have traction. It can be pretty scary, especially for newer drivers who might not know what they’re doing. If that sounds like something you want to avoid, consider installing some kind of traction device on your tires.

They really do work! The most common type of traction device is called a crawler, and it basically attaches to your tire via clamps or chains and digs into snow and ice, providing grip. You should always read instructions before installing anything new onto your vehicle—not only because it could damage it but also because there could be regulations specific to certain parts of your state or country.

Get ready before it snows

To avoid getting stuck in a snowstorm—which can be disastrous for many businesses—it’s crucial to have a plan. Earth Development Inc, a company based out of Appleton snow removal service, WI has some tips: residents focus on where they will park their cars and where they will walk if a car is not an option. By keeping these areas clear of snow as much as possible, you should be able to move around more easily on snowy days.

Be careful driving on icy roads

Icy roads can be very dangerous. The best way to keep yourself safe while driving on icy roads is to take it slow and pay close attention. If your vehicle becomes stuck in snow or ice, try rocking your vehicle back and forth. Don’t spin your tires or push forward—this will only make matters worse by digging yourself into a deeper hole. Instead, rock side-to-side as if you were trying to get out of quicksand.

Snow removal works, snow removal tractor in action, municipal machinery

Know how long you are going to be driving before it starts to snow

When you’re traveling over long distances, it can be helpful to know when snow is expected at your destination so that you can plan ahead for a detour or alternate route.

Watch out for black ice

Black ice occurs when melting snow and ice refreeze due to subfreezing temperatures. Black ice can make it more difficult for vehicles to stop and increase your risk of being involved in an accident. It is important not to drive too fast because you won’t be able to stop quickly if you encounter black ice, and you may hit a tree or another object instead of being able to stop safely.

Extra caution during heavy traffic times

During heavy traffic, there are few things worse than getting stuck behind a snowplow. The trucks don’t always have adequate room on either side of their plow to avoid bumps, so it’s crucial that you remain extra alert when driving behind a truck. Commercial snow plowing services are great for large-scale commercial areas or businesses with high traffic levels during snowy weather.

Hire commercial snow removal services

Choosing a commercial snow removal service isn’t always easy. You might want to hire a larger national company, but they may not specialize in your location. Alternatively, you could work with a local snow removal service. Earth Development Inc has been helping with Snow forecasts in Wisconsin and Appleton business clients for years, keeping them safe and secure. If you’re looking for expert assistance in snow removal, they can help.


With all that snow and ice, it’s easy to get stuck when trying to drive around Appleton and beyond. Snow removal service is here for you with many snow removal needs. The winter season will soon be upon us, bringing with it blizzards and snowstorms that can leave your car stuck in the snow. If you live in Appleton, or in an area with heavy snowfall, winter driving can be dangerous if you don’t take proper precautions to avoid getting stuck on the road.