Poolside Entertaining During The Cooler Months


Winter follows summer, and although you may think summer is the season for all things ‘pool’, you couldn’t be farther from the truth. Fibreglass pools offer a great opportunity for entertainment during cooler months as well. In fact, there are many perks to having a poolside party in winter. To begin with, your guests (and you) will feel more comfortable when the heat disappears. In terms of the environment, there will be fewer insects, like flies, to bother you, especially when food is kept in the open. Additionally, you can have hot food to warm you, and the options for dining are more varied and diverse. Lastly, for you, the host, planning won’t be as tiresome as it is in the heat.

Planning Entertainment

Poolside entertaining couldn’t be better than in the cold, pleasant winter. Whether you select a party for children with all the action of splashing about, or an exclusive dinner for a few adults, you can choose meal options and plans that work. Since you already have a pool area which may be appealing enough, the other main feature of entertainment to consider would be the food. There are several choices open to you, depending on your guest list.

Entertaining Children

In poolside parties, fibreglass pools tend to be the center of attention. Since you have your lovely pool installed, all you need to consider is the environment and the food. Since you will be having a party in cool conditions, you may want your pool heated for small children. The best bet for food, is to have finger foods that kids can handle on the go. They are not only easy to prepare, but they afford convenience for tiny hands to hold. When you have many little guests rushing about, they afford the best meal option. Keeping health in mind, you can have the following goodies for small children:

  • Lamb/chicken meatballs or fingers
  • Baked potato wedges
  • Mini quiches (the size that slip into small mouths as a whole)
  • Tiny pizzas with spinach/corn/cheese/chicken

If you have a barbecue (take safety precautions), you may want to try lamb and capsicum/onion skewers. Tiny sandwiches (sausage/cheese/jam/egg) are also dry and sought-after. Sliders (mini burgers) offer a great meal idea as well. Be sure to have paper plates, tissues and plastic crockery (all disposable) handy. A bin close by is necessary too.

The Older Lot

While thinking about installing fibreglass pools, you must have considered that you would entertain guests. The very idea of spending time with friends and family by the pool is among the many reasons for installing backyard pools. In fact, pools prompt people to have guests over more often. More than anything else, pools offer a relaxing evening with friends after a hard day’s work. Pools are superb for your mental health and sharing precious time with dear ones. You can have an intimate dinner setting by your pool, or a rip-roaring party with all the trappings of disco lights and such. What’s more, you don’t have to use the pool while having your party. A dinner party in the vicinity of your pool gives you a luxurious setting on its own. Alternatively, you can have drinks and appetizers by the pool, moving indoors for dinner later.

Winter Evenings

Winter evenings of poolside entertaining can be great times for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. You can afford to splurge a bit too, and have a barbecue feast. Poolside entertaining with adults and older kids around doesn’t require you to be too concerned about safety either. Of course, you should be aware of any potential hazards, but young and older adults can take care of themselves. Using a barbecue is a way to stay within the action of your party and get some guests involved too. This way, you won’t end up traversing in and out of your kitchen to serve your guests.

Exclusive Entertainment

If you have chosen any of the great fibreglass pools melbourne as a backyard pool, you will discover that it creates a distinctive aura at night. This is especially exhibited if pool lights are switched on. When you have an intimate dinner for two to four guests (you can stretch to six), you may think of a candlelight theme. Safety should be a priority, as with any outdoor setting, and electric wiring should be kept at arm’s length. Think of barbecuing a lamb shoulder. You can have corn cobs on the side (brushed with a butter and parsley/paprika glaze). A green salad goes well with this too, as do roast potatoes, or jacket potatoes. Think of any mixed vegetables for sides, like sautéed carrots and green beans.

Keeping it Low-key

If you have adults around, you may want to consider some alcoholic beverages, like wine (red for poultry and meat and white for seafood). Alternatively, you may have beer in cans that you can dispose of easily and without fuss. A great idea for casual entertaining by your poolside is keeping your dining low-key. You can have sausages, beef, onion, some garlic toast and even herb rice. Vegetables like zucchini, asparagus, capsicum and tomatoes can all be cooked on the barbecue. This saves you time and effort in your indoor kitchen.

Fibreglass pools offer a great style statement for any entertainment, be it casual or more formal. With a casual dinner, you can even order in some pizzas and provide the alcohol in-house. If you have a bar by the pool (as many do), you can shake and mix some nice cocktails to give your party a cool twist. Using disposable cutlery and crockery is an efficient way to save time washing up later, especially for a casual entertainment set up. After the dining is done, you can serve some hot chocolate or coffee with simple desserts like Madeira cake and cream. Keep some blankets outdoors, so guests can cozy up for chats after dinner.

Around the Pool

You needn’t worry about the look of the pool environment, as your pool will serve as enough of an atmosphere to warm up the evening. Nonetheless, fairy lights in strategic spots are a sublime way to create a magical aura. You can drape them around plants at strategic positions, or on the edge of roofing. Pool entertaining can be fun, especially in winter, and the success of it lies in planning ahead.