If Thinking Of Removing a Tree From Your Australian Property – You Need To Know This.


Some property owners in Australia regard trees on their property as a great benefit while others who move into the property are not happy at all. A tree can provide you with some much-needed shade from the hot midday sun but it can also present a clear and present danger to not only your property but to the people who live within it if a storm brews up. The roots from trees can gradually make their way up into the foundations of your home and even through the floor and when this happens, you’re looking at a significant amount of money to get everything fixed.

Many property owners do not want to wait for this kind of situation to arise in the first place and so it is their goal to have any trees on the property removed as soon as possible. You may be tempted to do something like this by yourself in a futile attempt to save money but this would be a very big mistake. There is a lot more to cutting down a tree than many people realise and so this is why it makes sense to reach out to a professional arborist in Brisbane who knows exactly what they’re doing. They will have all of the necessary equipment and know-how to get the job done properly.

This is just one thing that you need to know when removing a tree from your Australian property and the following are some others.

  • You will need a permit – You might think that it sounds ridiculous that you have to get permission from the local authorities to remove a tree that is on your property and clearly belongs to you. This is the rule however and you kind of understand why it is in place because if people were allowed to cut down their own trees, they would damage their own properties as well as their neighbour’s properties as well. Without this permit in your hand, you can’t do anything and so you can leave it up to your local arborist to get the necessary permits.
  • Remove it in sections – If you are still daft enough to push ahead by yourself and try to take the tree down then you should know that it is incredibly dangerous to try to take it down in one go. The professional way of doing things is to take the tree down in sections that are more easily handled and it is a much safer procedure. You also need to know where exactly to cut the tree at any point and always be aware of overhead electrical and phone lines so that you don’t get electrocuted and you don’t pull down your neighbour’s Internet as well as your own.

The best advice that can be given is that you reach out to the professionals when it comes to moving something as complex as a tree. There is going to be a lot to clean up and then the stump has to go.