6 Ways to De-Clutter Like a Boss!


There is a theory that our homes are extensions of ourselves and intermix with our energy. If we feel compelled to de-clutter, it may be because we are on the cusp of shifting in an energetic or emotional way. It might be by releasing physical materials that no longer serve us that we also remove stagnant energy around the home. This can make way for stronger, better, and more fulfilling occurrences and opportunities in our lives.

In order to do this, we may need to start on the home front and do a serious cull of materialistic objects that no longer fit our cause or are just taking up space in our residence. To make way for the new we often need to let go of the old. Investigating local services, such as cheap skip hire or local charities to take on our stull useful but otherwise not needed goodies can mean our humble abode gets a new facelift and also some new, calm and clear energy to help balance us to better things to come.

Sometimes we hold onto personal effects out of an attachment or fear of letting go. Whilst keeping a few key items for nostalgic reasons can be lovely, if you find yourself struggling to let go of anything, it might be time to ask yourself what you’re really holding onto.

Here are some simple helpful tips to help you move onwards and upwards.

  1. Start with one area, one room at a time.

Looking at your entire house as a project may seem quite daunting, especially if it has been some time since you’ve given the area a decent clean and brush down. Begin with one small section at a time and be present in what you do. Have 3 boxes, one for keeping, one for donating, and the final one for throwing out.

It might be an idea to start with counter and table tops. Find a home for all the odds and sods that often get absent-mindedly discarded onto the tops of surfaces. Consider investing in some chic small baskets for key items you use regularly.

  1. Get rid of old food articles.

Take everything out of your pantry and go through it with care. Relinquish out-of-date substances and packaging that is half used that hasn’t been used for some time.

Whilst you’re at it, scrub out your pantry to give it that fresh smell and clean look. If there are any items that are sticky, smelly, or just old and out of date turf them. Many people at this point might opt for storage containers to host their food articles. This can give your pantry a complementary look and allow all food to be stored safely and hygienically in air-tight containers, preventing invasion by food mites or ants.

Complete the same process with your fridge and freezer and kitchen cupboards.

  1. Be ruthless with your wardrobe.

Tackle your wardrobe and clothing storage spaces with merciless intention. Anything that you haven’t worn for a year goes. The same with any items that are either too small or big. Torn and faded clothing should be binned too. Put your winter and summer clothes in separate areas. If you are in the midst of summer and don’t need to rug up, put away the cozy jumpers until the weather changes.

This will ensure that the clothing you are most likely to use is within reach and visibility, rather than you need to go through multiple layers of unused garments to find a suitable outfit for the day.

  1. Tackle the kids’ rooms.

This is one area that is bound to pull at the heartstrings. Our little munchkins are only tiny for such a short time and it can be difficult to discard all their tiny clothes and treasured toys. Be careful what you do throw away or donate, your children may never forgive you if you get rid of a favorite toy or jumper.

If you are sentimental at heart, pick a few key beloved items, ones that are linked to some happy memories, and box up the rest for a local charity or pass them on to someone else.

This is another room where storage containers or other methods of rearranging might be beneficial. A slight re-arranging of toys may see renewed interest in old treasures, or an extended playtime with long forgotten, but recently rediscovered pastime.

  1. Get into that spare room.

In some families, this is known as the room where things go to die. It might be the room where all the odd trinkets and unused household appliances end up when there is no other home for them at present moment. Truth be told, if they have been in there for over a year, it’s potentially time to move them on.

In other instances, it might simply be a room where a spare bed takes up residence in case of unexpected guests or family members visiting. Consider if having a spare bed all year round is worth taking up one entire room for your home for the sake of a few nights here and there or a ‘just in case’ measure.

Individual needs do vary, every home is different. It might be that the spare bed is a key factor in assisting family or helping a friend in need.

But, if you are needing the space for a home office or craft room or possibly even a playroom for the kids or a venue to facilitate a home business, then you might want to make the most of your de-cluttering binge.

  1. Then begins the shed.

Tread carefully here if there is someone in the house who uses this as a means of escape, such as a cave or place to tinker. A man’s shed can be his castle. (and women too).

If there are parts of the shed that have been used to store long-neglected items, such as broken objects longing to be mended, either fix them or it might be time to give them the old heave-ho.