Inspiring Two Modern Interior Design Ideas For Apartment With A Shade Of Artistic Vibe And Modern Tips In Decorating

Modern interior design by Filippo Cei
© Filippo Cei – Are you confused in looking for a suitable design for your apartment? Modern interior design San Diego, we’ll be able to pair you with the best representative to match your needs. The designers pour their creativity and brilliance in creating a gorgeous and stylish apartment with a shade of artistic vibe in it. You will be lucky because the designers give you some modern tips in decorating a small apartment. Do not waste your time, let’s take a look these two amazing interior design ideas below. Here you go!

Modern Interior Design Ideas With Dark Tone Colors by Filippo Cei

The first apartment interior design was designed by Filippo Cei. The designer shows you a combination of dark tone colors with an artistic interior. This is a modern two-storey apartment which is decorated perfectly. Filippo Cei pours some modern decorating ideas in some spaces in this apartment. For example, in the living room, there is a single gray couch and LCD television without placing a tv cabinet over there. Besides that, the designer utilizes a large window to support the sunlight gets into the living room. Although the apartment is decorated with dark tone colors but placed a greenery is the best idea as well.

Modern decorating ideas
© Filippo Cei
Modern ideas for small living room
© Filippo Cei
Modern interior design ideas 2016
© Filippo Cei

Move to the kitchen and dining room, the designer applies some modern kitchen design ideas which are important for you as well. The kitchen itself is decorated with aluminum material as the set. The kitchen looks luxurious and gorgeous because of a modern arrangement by Filippo Cei. Besides that,  the designer chooses a large wooden dining table as well. Interestingly, the dining table does not have four dining table legs like others because the table is merged to the kitchen set. It is one of Filippo Cei’s ideas which inspires your dining table.

Modern kitchen interior ideas
© Filippo Cei
Modern kitchen design ideas
© Filippo Cei

Move to the second floor and the bathroom in this amazing apartment. In the second floor, the designer combines an artistic vibe with a spiritual vibe all in one room. As the decoration, the designer hangs a golden ball up on the ceiling. Meanwhile, the bathroom is decorated with a wooden lines door in order to create a natural atmosphere inside the bathroom. A stone washing sink as the main point in this bathroom.

Modern bathroom design ideas
© Filippo Cei
Modern bathroom interior design
© Filippo Cei

Enjoy Modern Interior Design Ideas With Dark Tone Colors and Soft Elements be Combined by ArchiCGI

The second design is created by ArchiCGI who uses a power of dark and soft elements. The designer combines dark tone colors and soft elements all for one apartment. First of all, take a look how a modest living room can be gorgeous and stylish by only using dark and soft elements. This is a small living room which is decorated with a modern interior from the furniture and the arrangement. A single white couch against the wide display cabinet is the best arrangement in order to create a simple living room appearance. The living room itself is filled with wooden accents. Across the living room, there is small space also for a coffee table and two armchairs. According to you from these two modern interior design ideas, which one is inspiring you?

Modern living room interior ideas
© ArchiCGI
Modern interior ideas for living room
© ArchiCGI
Amazing interior design for living room
© ArchiCGI
Awesome living room interior
© ArchiCGI

Move to the kitchen and dining room, ArchiCGI has been successfully arranging  the kitchen and dining room space with a modern and luxurious appearance. In this room, the designer keeps using dark tone colors and soft elements as well. A white dining table with a gradation of gray and white kitchen set looks match and perfect. It is okay to put some greeneries in every space of your small apartment. Well, do you get some modern ideas above?

Gorgeous dining room design
© ArchiCGI
Gorgeous dining room interior
© ArchiCGI
Gorgeous interior design for kitchen
© ArchiCGI
Gorgeous kitchen interior design
© ArchiCGI

Choose one of two modern interior design ideas above will not complicate you in creating a dreaming apartment anymore. If you want to see other designs, just visit and check here. Have a nice day!