Seven Problems You’re More Likely to Find in Older Homes


All homes are subject to their own share of problems. However, older homes are particularly prone to a specific set of issues. If you’re the owner of an older home, or if you’re thinking about buying one, it’s a good idea to know what some of these problems are. That way, you can either properly maintain your home, or decide to buy a different house. To that end, here are seven problems that older homes are more likely to experience compared to newer ones.

Hazardous Materials

For starters, older homes are more likely to have hazardous materials in them. Namely, asbestos and lead. Asbestos is a type of naturally occurring fibrous material that came with insulation and fireproofing materials back until the 1970s. If left in your home, it could cause serious illnesses such as lung cancer. While asbestos tucked away behind your walls is not likely to cause you any immediate danger, it’s still a good idea to get rid of it, especially if you plan on knocking down walls.

Lead, on the other hand, was consistently used as a part of interior and exterior paints. This is especially true for paint that was made before 1978. Lead was also primarily used for plumbing systems. If lead exists in either your plumbing or your paint, it can be very dangerous, especially to children. To get it removed, you’ll either need to contact a professional lead paint removal service or a plumber.


Speaking of plumbing, there are other plumbing-related issues an older home might face besides lead. Two specific problems are pipe failures and root damage. Old pipes are more likely to break down, and if they do, you could have a serious leak on your hands. In some more extreme cases, your home could become uninhabitable, and require thousands of dollars’ worth of repairs.

With root intrusion, you have tree roots working their way into old drainage pipes over time. The result can then be either blocked or burst pipes, necessitating a repair. To learn more about the plumbing related problems your older home might face, you can check out this link –

Electrical Problems

Next, you might experience problems with your electricity. For starters, older homes will likely have less outlets than you’d like, since people didn’t use as much electrical equipment back then. While not a big issue, it is likely to be an inconvenience.

More important than that however is that the electrical systems in older homes might be unsafe. Over time, the insulation inside wires starts to deteriorate. Once this insulation breaks down entirely, your home runs the risk of an electrical fire, shocks, or localized power failures. On top of that, the service panel that regulates the electricity in your home also has a lifespan and may need to be replaced sooner rather than later.

Termite Infestation

As time goes on, termites can wreak havoc on the wood around your home. Since wood likely makes up a large portion of your home, a termite infestation can cause a significant risk. If you aren’t on the lookout for them, they can cause damage to walls, structural supports, and floors. The best thing you can do is be on the lookout for signs of termites – such as sagging floors, holes in the drywall, or bubbling paint. You can read more about dealing with a termite infestation here.


If a home has been exposed to excessive moisture over the years, it might develop mold. Older homes are more likely to experience mold, as the water can seep through cracked foundations and leaky pipes more easily. When left untreated, mold can cause respiratory issues or infections. So as soon as you spot mold in your home, be sure to get it taken care of.

Problems with Your Roof

Since your roof takes on the brunt of weather elements, they are likely to break down over time. So the longer your home has been around, the more your roof has had to deal with. Look for missing shingles, crumbling cement, moisture in the upper levels of your home, water damage, or broken gutters as signs that there is something wrong with the roof.

Foundation Problems

Finally, we go from the top of your home down to the bottom. Your foundation is one of the most important parts of your home, even if you can’t see it. If you’re noticing things like water in the lower levels of your home, stuck doors or windows, or visible cracks in your walls, there is likely a problem with your foundation. Since this is the base on which your entire home rests, you’ll want to have this fixed as soon as you can.

Know What You’re Getting with an Older Home

As you can see, there are plenty of issues that an older home is likely to face. While all of these issues are treatable, you should know about them before you buy a home. And if you already have an older home, knowing the warning signs can help you fix problems early before they become larger ones.