Deck up your Rooms with Attractive Floor Cushions


Floor cushions have an advantage over other decorative items in your living room. They are available in a wide range of colours to match any internal decor and even if casually strewn around the floor, elevate the look and feel of a room. You can lead a relaxed, comfortable and easy life – eat, watch TV, play games or simply go to sleep on the rug with floor cushions under your head. It is this functional flexibility and versatility that makes floor cushions such an attractive option to deck up your rooms.

Homeowners are increasingly putting cushions on the floor, and this has sparked off a trend that is becoming an integral part of seating arrangements in a living room. Chairs and even couches are being removed to free up floor space which in turn is being used creatively with floor cushions to seat a family or even a small group of visitors. If you have an artistic and creative bend of mend, you can also make these cushions yourself in various sizes to give your room an exclusive and unique look.

However, before making any radical changes in the seating arrangements, give a thought to the age group of your family members. While children will love being on the floor with cushions for company as it will not inhibit their movement as in couches, the elderly might feel uncomfortable sitting on the floor. Cushions on the floor are today considered to be an informal part of furniture since they create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Apart from directly sitting on the floor, these cushions can also be used as footrests.

Cushions are ideal for children’s rooms. Kids love to have a lot of floor space to play or for any other activity and chairs and tables in their room slows down their free movement. Moreover, they will be prone to falls and injuries while playing or rushing around if there is a lot of traditional furniture in their rooms. Have a good rug on the floor and put cushions of various sizes. It will not only boost up the decorative angle through brightly coloured pieces but will also help them stay comfortable and relaxed the whole day reading books or playing video games. It will also assist them to sleep well if they decide to rest on the floor. Since cushions support all parts of the party, it will enable them to avoid accidents and injuries.

You can also put a hanging chair as an alternative in a small alcove in their room along with a couple of cushions. A wicker hanging chair in Australia should necessarily be placed indoors because of the extreme weather conditions in the country which can damage the rattan. Children will love it if you offer them the alternatives of floor cushions and a low slung hanging chair in their room.

If you have a small house with a sort of cramped living room, it is recommended that you use floor cushions for seating instead of permanent furniture which cannot be moved around if you need additional space. But with a bunch of trendy pillows, you can always store them away if you want more floor space. Hence, if you are arranging a small get-together, put cushions on the floor for guests to sit on. The closeness and exclusive informal arrangement with people sitting close together as compared to fixed distances on sofas and couches make for a more personalized environment.

The reason why floor cushions are such a favorite with today’s interior designers is that they are available in a wide range of sizes and designs. You can go through a large selection at any home improvement retail outlet or online store. Cushions are generally of the square variety with the covers made in various styles and fabric quality. But there is a twist here too. You can opt to buy jungle shaped cushions which are a replica of animals. Another common choice is the Flamingo shaped cushions in pink. When you purchase floor cushions for your house, you will be restricted only by the limits of your imagination.

Go ahead and opt for floor cushions. Try something new and unique as part of your internal decor and which will brighten and spruce up your daily life.