Energy Efficiency Tips For Gold Coast QLD Area Like Using Solar Power


Beginning in 2009, Australian state governments instituted initiatives alongside electricity retailers to conserve energy countrywide. The country is among the leaders, particularly in the Queensland area, for rooftop solar panel energy use and other sources of renewable energy. Follow for details on what the future holds for solar energy.

Still, they are also among the largest greenhouse gas pollutant producers in the world for emitting greenhouse gas mostly from residential households, including wastes that go to the landfill and daily transportation.

Not only can the average Australian drastically reduce this statistic through the installation of rooftop solar panels, but they can put money back in their wallets from the power costs being saved. The greatest expense is professional installation.

It’s critical to collaborate with an expert such as those knowledgeable in Green Spark solar panels who can help determine what you might need currently and possibly into the future. This allows for a more educated decision

Tips On Becoming More Energy Efficient In Gold Coast QLD

Queensland is among the leaders of the rooftop solar panel initiative. Though choosing the ideal form of renewable energy for the household, including solar panels and hot water units can not only decrease power bills, but reduce your carbon footprint and protect the environment, still there are other things that residents can do in an effort to be more energy efficient.

** Household Energy Ratings

You can actually save on your solar power systems if you conserve the level of energy that you consume or increase the level of electricity that is produced from the solar power system.

In simply changing the type of light bulbs you use; you can dramatically reduce the power generated. Replace incandescent globes with a comparable intensity CFL option, and you can potentially save the amount of usage on your solar energy by 360 watts in a given day for one bulb which equates to an 80-watt panel. There are more savings if you instead choose LED.

You’ll notice no difference in your comfort level and no inconvenience with the change except in your pocketbook. This can be done with several applications throughout the home decreasing the overall number of panels that you need for your setup with possible savings in the thousands.

Even merely partial solar use, conserving as much energy as possible will allow the system to contribute more to the home’s electricity needs.

** Choosing The Right Appliances

Australia has made it mandatory that specific electrical appliances like washers, dryers, and fridges have an energy rating which work on a “star system.” The greater number of stars received the more efficient in gas/water/energy the unit is. When you compare two similar appliances, you should look at the rating label. If the stars equate, read the numbers. The lowest number will conserve power and save costs.

Generally, the more efficient choices are not more expensive, but if there is an added fee, it should be viewed as an investment that you will see a return on in savings on power bills.

Washers and dryers with an adequate rating in particular have other ways that you can save additionally with power usage. It is recommended to use cold water in the wash instead of the hot water cycle cutting running costs up to 80%. Claims suggest front-loaders conserve more than half as much as a top-loader remarkably. Eliminate the need for the dryer as much as you possibly can by hanging the clothes outside to dry. The sun shines brilliantly in Australia. These tips lead to much fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Appliances are estimated to represent nearly half of an Australian home’s usage with a production of greenhouse gases each year up to 12 tonnes. The suggestion is to switch off the units when not in use at the power socket for a 10% savings.

** Heating Your Home

Gas heating units and air conditioning systems offer star rating as well with each star saving as much as 10% on operating costs. When the unit is in use, it’s vital to remember to keep doors tightly closed, windows covered with blinds, and make sure the heating unit is located away from windows for conservation purposes. Keeping the thermostat, no greater than 20 degrees and shutting it off at night is wise.

If you don’t invest in good insulation, heating will be wasted in the household. Keep draught seals in place at the bottom of doors, and make sure windows are tightly sealed with no gaps.

** Air Conditioning

The recommendation is to invest in a unit with no less than a 4.5-star rating and choose a system that offers “evaporative coolers and fans” that use only “1/10th” the amount of power. Powering up an air conditioning unit on an especially hot day creates substantial strain on the grid and the planet as a whole. If each person were to do that in unison, it could create a broad range power outage.

External shades help to eliminate heat coming through windows significantly. Proper insulation and fans block the heat out and decrease the need for using air conditioning.

Conserving can be as simplistic as a mere light bulb switch out or as substantial as installing a solar-powered hot water system. Regardless of the investment you make, you’ll see significant savings in the long run, plus you will be adding to the overall value of your home in the instance you decide to sell your property. Learn about Feed-in tariffs as they relate to solar powered homes at

Final Thought

If you’re not sure where or how to get started in creating efficiency in your Gold Coastal QLD home, institute a specialist to inspect the house and let you know where changes should be made for the most benefit.

You may already have all the appliances and major components in place since these are mandated, but there might be some simple fixes or ways you can use these elements in a much more productive way. If you haven’t yet started using solar power, that’s would be a significant step towards conserving that each person should consider if you’re truly interested in the ideal resource for efficiency.