6 Telltale Signs It’s Time To Call An Emergency Plumbing Service


Just like most homeowners, we tend to take it easy when we have a plumbing problem to deal with, which is not the best approach. There are some telltale signs that a plumber must be called right away or the problem may get worse. Failure to hire a good service provider in time may end up aggravating the situation and you certainly don’t want that.

In this article, we are going to talk about 6 telltale signs that it’s time to call an emergency plumbing service.

Unusually Warm Floors

Normally, house floors are not too hot or too cold. But when they feel warmer than usual, chances are that there is a leak in the hot water system. What happens is that a leak in a hot water pipe may raise the temperature of the concrete. As a result, the concrete raises the temperature of the floors.

Not all spots will be equally warmer, but if floors are abnormally warmer, there may be a major plumbing problem to deal with. In this situation, calling an emergency plumbing service is of paramount importance. If this decision is delayed, the problem may get worse leading to higher repair costs.

Standing Water

Finding even a thin layer of standing water in a house can make homeowners go berserk. In most cases, standing water is a result of a burst or leaking pipe. If not fixed right away, the burst pipe may cause extensive damage to the house.

If left untreated for too long, the water may turn the house into a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. As a result, you may have to spend a lot more to fix the damage and call for a pest control service.

The Sound of Flowing Water

The sound of running water is not a sign of a serious problem when water is flowing through your plumbing systems and appliances, such as draining showers, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers, to name a few.

In normal situations, it’s easy to trace the sound of running water in a house. But when the water sound is not traceable, chances are that there is a burst pipe waiting to be fixed. In this case, calling an emergency plumbing service is important to prevent further damage.

Sewage smells

A sewer smell coming from the laundry, kitchen, or bathroom is a sign of a serious problem requiring the attention of an expert plumber. The smell may be coming from the sewer itself. If there is a broken or damaged vent pipe, calling for professional assistance is the only way out.

Apart from being unpleasant, sewer gas is hazardous for human health. Methane, for instance, can become flammable if accumulated in large amounts. If left untreated, these sewer gases may cause the accumulation of methane into the entire house. As a result, the residents may experience suffocation, loss of consciousness, loss of coordination, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, weakness and headaches.

Discolored Pipes

It’s important to take a closer look underneath the kitchen sink and check the basement from time to time. If the pipes are rusty or discolored, it could be a sign of the presence of moisture. Excessive moisture means that there is a leaking drain line or dripping sink.

In this situation, calling an emergency plumbing service is a must. After all, nobody wants to hear the sound of a major burst. So, it’s not a good idea to ignore discolored pipes.

Poor Water Pressure

Slower streams of water are the indicator of clogged pipelines. Typically, it’s easy to find a solution if there is poor water pressure in just one spot. But if there are multiple problematic spots, chances are that the problem lies in the supply line, hot water heater, or the water main. In this case, there is no other way out except calling an emergency plumbing service.

Lack of water or low pressure of water in winter is a clear sign that the pipes are frozen. Piping in crawlspaces and attics are exposed to low temperatures. As a result, frozen water in these pipes causes blockage. The only way to fix this problem is to call a plumbing service provider to address these concerns before things get worse.

There you have it. These are just some of the telltale signs that there is a serious plumbing problem in the house and that a good plumbing service should be hired immediately. Although there are many service providers out there, it’s important to hire professional plumbing companies that offer reliable and cost-effective services like Highsmith & Daughters Plumbing. Always remember that in any house, a broken plumbing system is a sign of danger. Therefore, broken, burst or clogged pipes should be treated in a timely fashion.