What Can You Save on When Renovating An Apartment: 5 Useful TIps


Meta Description: As strange as it may sound, you can and should save on repairs, otherwise, it will completely gobble up your budget. But this doesn’t mean that you need to buy all the cheapest. What you can really save on, read the article.

What can you save on when renovating an apartment: 5 useful tips

Many people say that it’s better not to skimp on repairs. But what if the budget is limited, and you don’t want to stretch the renovation until better times?

You will be surprised, but there is something that you can save on without sacrificing style and comfort.

What can you cut corners on?

#1. On building materials

And first on our list of savings is building materials. Please note, we don’t advise you to buy all the cheapest. The point is that you can buy good, high-quality goods without overpaying for hyped brands. This is especially true for foreign companies. In this case, the economy is more than 25%.

#2. Ceiling, floor, and wall decoration

Of course, parquet floors or natural granite tiles look respectable and aesthetically pleasing, but the floor under them should be perfectly flat, which also demands money (fortune, by the way).

If you have few funds, then you shouldn’t run into debt. Pay attention to quality laminate or locally made tiles.

The same is the case for walls. Designer wallpapers are awesome, but it will be much more rational to hang minimalistic wallpapers that will be trendy for a long time (unfortunately, tastes change quickly). Or just paint the walls with washable paint. If desired, the walls will be easy to repaint.

#3. Lighting

There is a huge abundance of chandeliers, floor lamps, and other illumination tools on the market. And if you liked something super original (which, according to Sod’s Law costs a fortune), take a look at the models from the mass market. Often it copies the masterpieces of designers and you will definitely find an analog.

#4. Decor items

Don’t hurry up to buy everything at once and fill the house with expensive trinkets. Cool decor items can be gradually brought from trips, received as a gift, or even made with your own hands. 

#5. Entrance door

Let’s keep it short here: you need a good lock, but the door can be ordinary.

What in no case should you save on?

  • Don’t try to finish everything faster. The preparation, purchase of materials and work take at least one to two months, or even more. And don’t even ask about the repair itself. Inappropriate haste can lead to unnecessary spending and a sad result.
  • If you don’t have experience in repairing, hire a responsible team from a reputable company. In search of cheap labor, you can come across as unprofessionalism and dishonesty. This is also true about moving companies that can help you with furniture transportation. If you don’t want something lost or broken during the transportation of important things, find a mover according to great reviews or contact professionals, for example, Fly Movers.
  • Engineering systems. Too cheap engineering equipment will show itself at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, don’t skimp on power supply, gas supply, sewerage, water supply, heating, and ventilation systems. Experts urge to entrust engineering work to professionals. Your safety and comfort depend on the quality and reliability of all systems.


Summing up this article, we would like to share some extra simple tips that can help you keep a few thousand in your wallet.

  • Forget about buying materials for future use. Buy exactly as much as needed.
  • Monitor prices. You don’t have to buy everything at the first store you come across. Take a few days and check all the offers on the market.

Good luck and may patience be with you!