5 Reasons Townhouses Make Great Homes


There are many routes to take when buying a home. People who live in urban areas prefer apartments or condominium units. Some prefer the suburbs to purchase a big piece of land to build their home. While others prefer a house and land package, also known as a townhouse.

These types of homes are gaining popularity among so many buyers. This refers to that type of home connected to or attached to your neighbor’s. You have a wall dividing your car parking space from theirs, and you may also have a small front and back lawn. This is a stark contrast to the privacy offered in detached homes on a bigger piece of land.

Despite that fact, however, townhouses are selling like pancakes. What makes townhouses from companies like Costas Constructions appealing to a wide range of homebuyers? This article gives you a list of the reasons why.

1. It May Be A More Affordable Option

When you buy a townhouse, you’re paying for both the house and the land. It’s like a package price where you instantly have land and a built-in home. You don’t have to worry about building your own home from scratch.

This advantage may also be considered the more affordable option for many homebuyers. It also saves you so much time when you no longer have to be bothered about building your home from scratch. However, this isn’t absolute, so you have to check with your townhouse builder and compare quotes and rates of different house and land packages.

2. It Gives You A Small Garden

Perhaps you’re the type of homeowner who doesn’t feel the need to have a big lawn. Unlike in an apartment or condominium unit where you don’t have any garden at all, in a townhouse, you at least have a small one. This gives you time to enjoy some outdoor space or have a small garden if you’re into plants.

This small garden—which you can get through your townhouse—is also advantageous for families with young children. It serves as your perfect first home. You don’t have a big house to maintain just now, but you won’t feel as cramped as you would in an apartment.

3. It Demands Lesser Maintenance

Compared to a bigger home on a sprawling lawn, living in a townhouse demands lesser maintenance from your end. Of course, an apartment or condominium has that advantage too. But, unlike a townhouse, you don’t have your piece of land or garden. If this part of your home is a must-have for you, then the townhouse still reigns supreme.

Because townhouses sit on smaller lots, it’s typically easier to maintain both the exterior and the interior. You’re also not responsible for physically tending to the common areas in the exterior, like perhaps plants on the sidewalk in front of your property, as your homeowner’s association fees would cover this.

4. It Adds To A Level Of Safety

While many may not be comfortable living very close or attached to your neighbor, many homeowners will consider this an added advantage of safety and security. As long as you find your neighbors friendly and of good background, it makes you feel safe when you know your next-door neighbor.

For instance, in an emergency, you can immediately run to your neighbor for help. It’s like belonging to a small, gated community where you are friends with all other members. Many townhouses come with shared areas like a swimming pool, gym, basketball court, playground, or park, so the neighbors can come together and give a ‘hi’ or ‘hello.’

5. It Feels More Like Yours, Than A Condo Would

This fifth reason applies to comparing a townhouse with a condo unit. A townhouse will also feel more like yours than a condo unit would.

Yes, you have to share a common fence or wall with your other neighbors. But this is still a much better set-up than being within the same building. You may even be able to enjoy more peace and quiet in a townhouse than you would if you were living in a condo unit.


Despite the convincing reasons above, it’s also worth noting that townhouses—just like any other type of house—have their respective drawbacks as well. Perhaps you’ve gone through this article as you’ve also been contemplating the idea of buying a townhouse. The list above will help you decide to pursue this decision. It’s up to you now to weigh the reasons above with your personal situation to see if those resonate well with your needs and preferences.