4 Things You Should Really Consider As a New Homeowner


Are you a new homeowner? Have you just purchased your very first home? Sounds exciting, right? Well, if you’re like me, it’s also really nerve-racking! Being a homeowner is one of the biggest transitions in our lives, but it’s also one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things we will ever do. But there are a lot of things that come with being a homeowner that we don’t always thing about. Some things are good (and some aren’t so good). I want to address four main things you should consider as a new homeowner that can have an impact on your time as a homeowner.

Before we dig in, one first tip. As a new homeowner you’ll probably experience problems with your appliances at some point or with your plumbing glossary. To get the best Winnipeg appliance repair service, call Profixit today!

  1. Consider your neighbors

You’re probably familiar with your neighbors already, but take the time to get to know them even better. Keep an eye out for when they get home from work and try to say hello if possible. Also, keep track of their schedules so you can be a courteous neighbor by keeping the noise down if they work early shifts or have young children.

  1. Invite over a few housewarming social gatherings

Becoming a homeowner is an exciting time. You may find yourself feeling like you’re in over your head at times, but it’s all worth it. Whether you’re buying or building a new home, there are a few things you should always consider before making your move.

One of the most important things to do as a new homeowner is to invite over a few housewarming social gatherings. It’s important to get to know your neighbors and let them get to know you. This can be done through several different means, from potlucks to barbecues and everything in between. It’s also important for safety reasons. If something were to happen at your home, you’d want someone close by who knows who you are and what’s supposed to be going on when you aren’t there.

  1. Make sure your home is safe, secure and insured

You’ve found the perfect home, with ample room for your family, a great location and all of the amenities you could have hoped for. Now comes the fun part — moving in. But before you get too excited about your new living space, make sure you have taken all of the necessary steps to make sure it’s safe, secure and insured.

First things first — homeowners insurance is not optional. It is required by most mortgage lenders to ensure they are protected in case something catastrophic happens to your home. If you do not have insurance and there is an accident or natural disaster that damages your home, the lender could lose out on a significant amount of money. In addition to protecting you, homeowners insurance also protects your lender  against any kind of loss related to the house that may occur before their mortgage loan is paid off in full.

Not only will homeowners insurance protect your investment in case something happens to your home while you are still paying off the mortgage loan, but it will also protect you after the mortgage has been paid off if something unexpected occurs that requires repairs or replacement of your property. In addition to protection from damage due to natural disasters such as hurricanes or tornadoes, homeowners insurance can also cover certain types of man-made disasters including fire, theft and vandalism.

Other things that might happen is that one of your appliance will break, for example you might need a washing machine repair in Winnipeg. For that you don’t insurance, and calling Profixit will solve your problem.

  1. Consider adding a dog or cat!

If you’re buying a home, you might be considering adding a pet. If you’re already a pet owner and are looking to buy a home, chances are your pet will be living with you for many years to come (if not its entire life).

Here are some things to consider when owning a pet in your new home:

If you have a large dog like I do, make sure there is enough yard space for them to run around and play outside. Additionally, if you have dogs who like to dig holes in the ground, make sure there is something in the yard that they can dig; such as a sandbox or digging pit (they love it!).