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9 Tips To Make Your Home Child-Friendly

A child’s laughter can fill your home with joy but the same child can also turn your plush sofa into their play area. It could take you hours and a lot of money to clean the sofa and make it suitable for your living room. There is no joy like having a child in your home but there are some steps you need to take to make your home child-friendly. Here are a few tips to help you with the same.

1. Fixed cushion couches

Children of all ages love to pull cushions off the sofa and you do not want your guests to see the cushions lying on the floor when they walk in. One of the easiest things you can do is buy sofas that come with fixed cushions. It will make the formal living space look well-organized and orderly. There will be no fort building with the couch.

2. Round furniture

Even if there is a lot of space in your house, children always find a corner to bump into. It could cause injuries and a lot of tears. You can try to reduce the damage to the child’s head by choosing rounded furniture, with no sharp edges. There are many options for you to choose from and they also elevate the space with their unique style and design.

3. Outdoor play

If you want to get the children outdoors, you need to look for elements that will make your backyard or garden a fun place to hang out. Children love to have their separate play areas. If you have a garden, you can create a nice zone for them to relax and play. It could be a tree house or a sandpit. Maybe a swing or a climbing wall. All kids love jumping around and what better than having the right space to jump in? Invest in quality kid’s trampolines and let them have the time of their lives in the garden.

4. Kids’ counters

A great way to ensure that children do not take your space is to create a space that belongs to them, close to yours. You can have a play counter inside the home or near your room where they can build or paint. All you need is a countertop made of durable material and a few paint brushes and colors.

5. Carpet tiles

Carpets and children do not go well together but if you really want a carpet, you can consider having carpet tiles. When something spills on it, you can simply lift the inch square and take it to the dry cleaner for cleaning. And if the stain does not come out, simply replace the square.

6. Closed storage

When you have children, there is never enough storage space and the best way to keep the stuff and toys from taking over is to choose closed storage. This will ensure that everything is in one place at all times. Have door storage or a mix of drawers to accommodate all the different types of toys.

7. Add nature to the spaces

Having plants in the home can be a good source of oxygen but they also have a good impact on the mind. Add one or two plants to your child’s room and give them the responsibility of looking after them. You can also take them to the garden and ask them to select a plant and pot together. Pick a simple plant that is easy to care for.

8. Create a fort

Children love to hide away and you can have a makeshift tent made from chairs, pegs, and sheets. They can be set up easily and in any corner of the room. Simply fill the tent with soft blankets and cushions for them to play in. If they have a nursery or room, you can permanently keep the makeshift tent for them to play in whenever they feel like it.

9. Include their masterpieces

Whenever children create something, they want to share it with others. It might not be possible to keep their every drawing but you can pick a few masterpieces and display them in frames inside your home. Use big frames that can go with all artworks so that you can change the pictures every few months. Alternatively, you can use strong wooden pegs and hang them in the child’s room or the family area. Kids love it when you appreciate their efforts.

Ultimately, all that matters is that your home is safe and fun for your child. Life is too short to become too serious so embrace the silly and let your children have their best days while growing up. But you do not want to incur heavy expenses over repairing or replacing items in the home. Incorporate these elements and create a child-friendly and stylish home for your family.

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