DIY VS Professional Painting: Which Option is Right for You?


If you wish to give your home an appealing makeover, there is undoubtedly no better alternative than painting! Adding an all-new color scheme to the exterior and interior surfaces will induce a significant, instant transformation to the ambience. It sets a lively and energetic mood, lifting your mood. But what if you have a steep budget? You want to try DIY with the hope of saving some money!

No wonder today, DIYs have become extremely popular as more people are willing to perform tasks once restricted to professional only. Thanks to the YouTube videos and Facebook communities! You can find tons of videos, from cooking recipes to interior painting! It is astonishing to observe how the paint manufacturers are even promoting DIY designs by packaging color schemes to assist you in guesswork.

When all the fuss is about taking up a DIY home improvement project, how far do you think it is right for you? You may have observed some young adults doing graffiti art on the streets that blew your head away and thought, ‘How difficult can it be doing DIY exterior painting?’ Why cannot you paint your home by yourself? – are we going on the right track? So, should you choose DIY or professional painting? Let us help you by contemplating both options!

Time to Make a Decision!

When you are clear of painting your home in the coming spring, the next big step is to make the first move! By this, we mean; deciding whether to do the interior painting by you or hire an expert. As the entire focus remains on accomplishing outstanding results with minimum expenses, it is often a challenging task to make a decision.

You have to stay clear of the following things:

  1. Do you have enough skills to take up an entire painting project?
  2. Do you have the right tools and materials needed for interior painting?
  3. What is your exact requirement?
  4. How much time can you invest when doing an exterior painting?
  5. Have you planned your budget?
  6. Are you confident about the results?

Though all these questions might not seem important initially, it still changes the game! However, if you have made up your mind to DIY and save expenses on professional painters, check these:

  • Painting your home in your favorite shades is indeed exciting. But the best results rely on the amount of preparation you have undergone. Before applying paint, intricate surface preparation is indispensable. Scrubbing and sanding the surface to remove old paint, dust, grime, and bumps will help you achieve a smooth canvas. Also, if there are cracks and holes, you need to fix them. We are not done yet! After cleaning the surface, remember to prime it. It camouflages all the flaws, offering the ideal surface for smooth paint application. All of this requires intensive hard work, patience, and time. Hope you have got them all!
  • Protecting the floors and ceilings from paint splashes during painting will save you from staining, which is difficult to remove. Hence protect all the fittings and furnishing with drop cloths.
  • Accessing the corners and painting at heights is another considerable challenge. You must be comfortable working at heights and possess the required skills and tools to reach inaccessible areas.
  • The brush strokes must not leave behind sweep marks. It makes the entire job look messy and certainly will not provide an impression like the pro painters!
  • You cannot escape the post-work cleaning! The process is immensely taxing, considering the mess you have made!

After all of this, are you confident about the results? Do you think every effort is worth the consequences? Are you still waiting for your guests to praise your DIY painting job? Now, if you want a guarantee on the work, you should turn to the professional painters Ottawa, always!

Seeking the Pro Help!

To be specific and crisp, a DIY job can never compete with the precision and adeptness of professional painters! They are the experts because:

  • Professional painting contractors possess licenses and insurance from the local authority defining their skills and knowledge in the field. It qualifies the excellence of their workmanship while ensuring optimal onsite safety.
  • Do you understand the value of experience in exterior painting? The more experience, the better your chances of escaping errors. These experts have tremendous acquaintance with manoeuvring multiple projects. Thus, you can expect them to encounter a hassle-free and effortless service.
  • With expertise and mastery in the field, they can complete a project much faster than expected! From surface preparation to post-process cleanup, everything will be done within a short timeframe.
  • When coming to the expense factor, what do you think? A DIY task will be cheaper? The truth is, when you end up buying tools, brushes, paints, and other materials yourself, you are unaware of the market. The dealers you must approach or the best price for materials are not in your wavelength. A commercial painting service will cost you much less, considering the exquisite results you receive!
  • You will always get a warranty for any kind of painting project, irrespective of the size.

Therefore, before you think of DIY painting, contemplate the above considerations. Maybe, you will find an intriguing deal from a pro near you!