Moving Day Tips to Keep in Mind Before the Big Day


There are many mixed emotions that come into play on moving day. There’s the excitement of getting a fresh start, moving into your dream home, or relocating for a much better job. This conflicts with the feelings of sadness that come from leaving your old home, friends, and life behind. Feeling a little sad about moving is natural. However, focusing on the bright side of things will typically help in the long run.

To adjust quickly to a new move, you should attempt to make your moving day run as smoothly as possible. A positive moving experience will set the stage for your transition to be a successful one. And planning ahead is a great way to ensure you have a positive experience. Here are some hacks you can start using to get ready for your move, whether it’s next month or next year:

Look Into Pet Transportation

Boxing up everything you own is one thing. Transporting the members of your family is another entirely. You can’t shove your kids into the back of a moving truck, and it’s irresponsible to try and do the same to one of your pets.

Luckily for the pet owners out there, pet transportation is available for anyone needing to make a lengthy move. Pet transport is safe, secure, and reliable for pets of all shapes and sizes. And you can rest assured that your furry friend will be in capable hands from point A to point B.

Feelings of concern are normal; this is just a sign that you truly love and care for your pet. Feel free to contact a pet transportation service ahead of time to ask all the questions you need about their role in your move. They should be able to calm your worries and explain the process more fully, so you feel better about moving day.

Learn to Let Go

When you live in one place for an extended period of time, you start to accrue a lot of belongings, some many even say junk. A lot of these items haven’t been touched in a long time. The truth is that you don’t need to pack up everything you own when you move. There are a lot of items that you can sell, donate, or throw away.

As you start organizing and packing everything you own, take inventory of what you come across. Pay attention to clothing you never wear or toys that your children have long forgotten about. There’s no sense in packing these up to take to a new house if they’re not getting any use.

There are other good reasons for shedding some of the extra items you’ve accumulated over the years too. Everything you donate can go to families who are in greater need than yours. Items you are able to sell can be used to pay off gas money for the drive or cover the rental fee for moving equipment.

Get the Ball Rolling Early

One of the biggest mistakes movers make is starting the process too late. Procrastinating the big move is unfortunately easy to do, but all it will do is cause extra stress for you when moving day arrives. As soon as you decide that you’re moving you should get the ball rolling.

Let’s say you’re reading this article in April and you’re planning to move in late July, just before the new school year begins for your kids. You shouldn’t be waiting for the calendar to turn to July to start packing up boxes. You might even consider packing away a few things at the mere thought of making a move. This way, when the time comes you’ll already have started making progress.

To stop yourself from procrastinating, set goals for yourself. This could look like packing one box a day or having a certain room packed by a specific date. It can be helpful to consider items you rarely use. This could be books, extra dishes, DVDs, anything really. If it’s gathering dust, it can likely be packed — or donated! Be honest with yourself about what the essentials are, and packing will be a lot easier.

Hire a Moving Crew

Packing up small items is a relatively easy task. The really tricky business is moving hefty furniture from one house to another. You can enlist the help from family and friends, but moving those large objects will still be a tough endeavor.

If you’re worried about moving all of your large belongings, give some thought into hiring a moving crew. Professional movers have the equipment and training to get even the bulkiest of belongings safely out the door and onto the moving truck. You won’t even have to break a sweat with them around.

Hiring a moving crew helps to ensure your heavy items like furniture and large appliances will be in good hands. They won’t be dropped or banged around as they’re being shifted by capable workers. That leads to another benefit, you don’t have to worry about the walls or floors of your home being scuffed up. It’s also a smart idea to hire a moving crew to avoid possible injuries to yourself. It’s more common that you’d think to tweak your back while lifting incorrectly. If you can cover the cost, it can be worth the investment.

Often moves are a transition point in life. Maybe you’re moving to a new home for a different job, or you need more bedrooms for a growing family. No matter what the reason, a positive moving experience can be a turning point. Follow some of these steps for your moving day, and you’ll be starting the journey off on the right foot.