The Ultimate Checklist to Help You Declutter Your Home


Clutter can sneak up on you, turning your cozy home into a source of stress and chaos. But don’t worry, you’re not alone—many of us struggle with keeping our spaces tidy. If you’re ready to take control and transform your living space, this ultimate decluttering checklist is here to help. Let’s dive in and make decluttering a stress-free, manageable process!

Why Decluttering Matters

Before we jump into the checklist, it’s important to understand why decluttering is so beneficial. A cluttered space can lead to increased stress and anxiety, making it hard to relax or focus. On the flip side, a clutter-free home can improve your mood, boost productivity, and even help you sleep better.

Plus, by keeping your space organized, you reduce the risk of dust, pests, and other health issues. In short, decluttering is good for both your mind and body!

Start Small and Set Realistic Goals

Decluttering can feel overwhelming, especially if you have years of accumulated stuff. The key is to start small. Instead of trying to tackle your entire home in one go, begin with a single drawer, shelf, or corner of a room. Dedicate just 5 to 10 minutes a day to this task at first. Once you get the ball rolling, you’ll find it easier to tackle bigger projects.

It’s also important to set realistic goals. Don’t expect to clean out your entire house in a weekend. Instead, aim to declutter one room or even just one area of a room per day. This steady pace will keep you motivated and prevent burnout.

The Three-Box Method

One of the most effective ways to declutter is by using the Three-Box Method. Grab three boxes and label them: “Keep,” “Donate,” and “Dispose.” As you go through your belongings, place each item in one of the boxes. This method forces you to make quick decisions and prevents you from holding onto items “just in case.”

If you’re unsure about an item, consider the 20/20 rule: If you can replace it for less than $20 and in less than 20 minutes, it’s probably safe to let go.

If you can’t let it go, but don’t want to keep it in your home, consider self-storage facilities near you that might be able to help.

Room-by-Room Checklist

Here’s a breakdown of how to approach each room:

Living Room

  • Clear out bookcases and magazine racks.
  • Reduce paper clutter.
  • Fold and organize throw blankets.
  • Give commonly used items like remote controls a permanent home.


  • Purge old or unused utensils and appliances.
  • Clean out the fridge and pantry, discarding expired items.
  • Organize drawers and cupboards.


  • Make your bed daily.
  • Sort through closets and get rid of clothes you no longer wear.
  • Organize nightstands and dressers, discarding anything broken or unused.


  • Toss expired medications and beauty products.
  • Organize under-sink storage and medicine cabinets.
  • Keep countertops clear of unnecessary items.


  • Sort through tools, seasonal decorations, and old electronics.
  • Dispose of broken or obsolete items.
  • Organize what’s left into labeled storage bins.

Maintain Your Decluttered Space

Once your home is clutter-free, the work isn’t over. To keep your space organized, make a habit of regularly reviewing and maintaining each room. Set aside time every month to go through your belongings and clear out anything that’s accumulated. Use the “one in, one out” rule to prevent new clutter from building up.

Celebrate Your Progress

Decluttering isn’t just about getting rid of stuff; it’s about creating a space that feels peaceful and functional. Take before-and-after photos to see your progress and celebrate the hard work you’ve put in. Remember, every little bit counts, so be proud of each step you take toward a clutter-free home.

Now that you have the ultimate checklist in hand, it’s time to start decluttering and enjoy the benefits of a tidy, stress-free home!