Top 10 Tips For Rubbish Recycling at Home

African Descent Kid Holding Recycling Box of Plastic Bottles

How To Recycle Your Household Waste?

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, recycling had reached 96% of Australian households by 2009. While many Australians recycle, everyone should incorporate it into their daily routine in order to have a positive impact on our planet. Sustainability involves learning new lifestyle changes that make this possible. To help, we’re sharing tips from the experts of Pro Rubbish Removal Brisbane on how to recycle your waste at home.

1. Reduce

When you reduce your waste of food, you save the landfills, which are filling up faster than ever before. There are programs that take food that you might toss out and use it elsewhere to ensure there’s no waste. You can reduce rubbish as well by following the next step.

2. Reuse

Living sustainably is so easy when you avoid disposables. If you recall the “save the turtles” campaign, using washable straws prevents their demise from the rubbish that ends up killing them. It’s sad, but there’s hope. You can make a difference when you reuse things by washing them, rather than using disposables.

3. Recycle

Look for Australian recycling labels, so you know where to put things when you do need to dispose of them. The standardised system placed labels on things, so you know where to recycle it. If it doesn’t have that label, and it consists of plastic, glass, paper or metal, then it isn’t recyclable. Create rubbish bins labelled like this.

  • Plastic
  • Glass
  • Paper
  • Metal

4. Plan

Recycling is simple. All you need is a plan. When you place bins with the corresponding labels on them, you know where to place each one for recycling. Then you can take each one out far easier. For many people, it’s that first effort that helps. If you’re like most, that first step avoids the time to separate things that could potentially be a mess.

5. Just Say No to Disposables

The rubbish issue is best handled when you use reusable things. Wear washable masks, wash dishes, and don’t use disposables. While paper towels are more sanitary, they are disposable. Use washable towels to maintain the sustainability of the planet. Here are some more points to consider.

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle

When you repurpose things, you reduce your rubbish. If you can re-use things, it helps save your amount of rubbish. You can even buy second-hand clothing and things. Reusing things is good for the planet. Lastly, when you buy things, look for packaging that can be recycled.

6. Teach

If you have kids, teach them to recycle. When you begin there, those kids will grow up and live in a more sustainable path for life. The bins for rubbish are an excellent start. Reward them when they place the correct things in the correct bins. Colour code the bins. That helps children.

7. No Plastic Bags

Use bins instead of plastic bags. Do not use plastic bags at any part of the recycling process. Plastic can’t be in the glass bin. Plastic shouldn’t be in the paper bin, either.

8. Bring Clothes Bags to Shop

When it’s time to buy your food, ensure the use of reusable bags. Make certain they aren’t plastic, either. You want to reduce consumption, so wasting bags shopping isn’t good for the environment.

9. Cut Plastic Rings

If you have the plastic rings that hold things together, as in soda bottles, you must cut them, so they aren’t holes of plastic. Turtles and other water creatures get strangled in these things. The main goal is to make sure there are no plastic circles of plastic. Save the turtles!


Buy metal water bottles to prevent the build-up of plastic that exists so much these days. Use it for your water bottle on the regular. Wash it and re-use it instead of plastic water bottles.

Following these steps to reduce rubbish at home helps save the environment. Don’t waste the time of the recycling station by failing to separate things first. Also, teach your children through a reward system that fosters recycling from day one.