How to Prepare Your Garden and Gazebo for Winter


As you walk towards the gazebo, you noticed the subtle coldness in the afternoon breeze. The garden bed is covered by fallen leaves and when you looked up, the trees are bare. No, this isn’t a scene from a movie. But it definitely means that fall is here and soon, winter will arrive. Days are going to be shorter, the air will be much colder, and snow will fall down. Are your garden and spa gazebo ready? If not, here are the best ways to prepare them for winter.

Winterize Your Lawn

To make sure that your lawn can handle the cold winter season, you better get it prepared this fall. Start by turning off your lawn sprinkler because you won’t be needing it over the next few months. Trim the lawn for the last time this season. Before the fall ends, fertilize it to make sure that it has enough nutrients to fight the cold and have a good hibernation period. All of these will ensure that the lawn will not wither during winter and will regrow back healthy in the spring.

Winterize the Gazebo

The purpose of preparing your gazebo for winter is to prevent possible water and moisture damages like warping and splintering of wood. It will also ensure that the gazebo is still in good condition come spring and summer. Here are the ways to winterize your gazebo:

1. Take out all the furniture inside the gazebo and transfer them to another sheltered location. Give them adequate protection for winter as well.
2. Before winter starts, clear off the gazebos wall and floor of leaves, dried twigs, fallen branches, and all kinds of dirt.
3. Thoroughly clean all areas inside and outside the gazebo including benches, spaces between steps, and corners. Make sure that no pest builds its nest anywhere the spa roofs.
4. Remove mold, mildew, and algae from the walls by using a soft-bristled brush, warm water, and liquid detergent. Avoid using a wire brush as it can damage the wooden parts of your gazebo.
5. Check any loose screws or nails and fix them right away.

During the winter season, see to it that you make periodical checking on your gazebo. It will also be a good chance to remove the snow from the gazebo roof. Fix the vinyl sheets on the roof to prevent the snow from damaging it. If the sheets are out of place, put them in their proper position.

Gazebos sold in the market come in different styles and designs. If you are still in the process of buying your garden gazebo, make sure to choose the ones that are usable in winter. It will also be helpful to purchase a portable heater to help you warm-up inside the gazebo.

Winterize your Garden

Summer and spring are the seasons when plants flourish and flowers bloom. Many homeowners think that the opposite happens in winter. That’s not exactly true. There are species of plants and flowers that thrive during the cold season and they are what you need for your garden. Go to your local nursery and get the seeds for these types of plants. Some of the winter flowers that you can get are primrose, pansy, lily, orchid, and viola. For the winter plants and flowers to flourish during mid-winter, you need to plant the seeds at the start of spring. Before the winter begins, make sure that the flowerbeds have adequate mulches on top so that the soil will not freeze in the cold. Ensure to place the plants or flowers around the garden gazebo in an attractive way, and if possible, you can use hanging potted plants.

There are plants that do not sit well with the cold weather. If you happen to have some, you need to transfer them to the garden shed or any indoor room. Give them access to air and sunlight so they can still grow during winter. Make sure to put bubble wrap around those plants.

These tips on how to prepare your garden and gazebo for winter will ensure that they are well-protected once the cold season kicks in. Just follow these instructions and you can rest assured that your garden will still look beautiful in winter, and your gazebo will be ready when springtime comes.