The Value of Clear Gutters for Your Home


Given the amount of surface area a typical home roof covers, it captures an incredible amount of water during a rain session as well as a sizable amount of snow in colder climates. And that makes for a lot of water that, if not for gutters, would end up falling all over the place and causing damage. To perform at their best, gutters need to be installed correctly, be clear of debris, and channel water correctly down and away from a home. While most gutter systems at first perform very well, over time they get plugged up or begin to have problems. And a major cause of this condition tends to be blockage as well as foreign matter getting into the gutters in the first place.

The Problem With Blocked Gutters

Water is extremely heavy. The average gallon of water weighs at least 8 lbs. which can be an incredible strain on a gutter system when it can’t drain. During cold months ice dams and blocks can form, adding to the problem as well. While the overflow will just spill off the edges, that weight in a long gutter strip can eventually cause the gutter itself to peel off the roof edge and fall, as well as expose the roof edge to water rot.

Blocked gutters can happen for a number of reasons. Birds are a big problem, often bringing material and debris up to roofs to create nests. That collection of material ranging from branches to bird excrement to dirt and plants all piles up in the gutter as it gets washed off the roof by the rain and wind. An incredible amount of dirt and pollen also end up on roofs, adding to material that gets washed into gutters as well. This can be a fertile mix of mold, moss, algae, and similar, that grow and begin to trap more debris next to them. Eventually, all of the above creates a natural, organic blockage to water flow, making a gutter useless.

Finally, even roof material can contribute to gutter problems. Whether made of asphalt tile or cement or ceramic tiles, bits of roof wash off and end up in gutters. Being heavier than water, the bits sink to the bottom and pile up, adding more material to gutter blockage over time. Eventually, one has to pay someone to clear all the muck out if not engaging in the work himself.

The Difference in the K-Guard Gutter System

If only water can get into a gutter, it makes a tremendous difference in the lift of that drainage system. With the K-Guard Gutter System, the gutter has a layer block over the gutter itself that only allows water to flow in but blocks debris from easily doing so. Instead, the debris falls off the edge while the water clings to the surface of the block and flows into the gutter, draining away from the house via gravity. The protection and difference are amazing once installed. Even under the heaviest of rains, water has a tendency to cling to surfaces, which causes it to wrap around the K-Guard block and flow into the drain part of the system smoothly.

The benefits of installing K-Guard Gutters are multiple; it effectively steers water away from the home itself, the design is extremely durable and reliant, the product comes with a lifetime warranty impossible to find with other gutter products, and the product also increases the value of a home given the automatic protection it provides from external moisture and water damage. Finally, the design cuts down on problems with debris, moss, and birds, which improves the overall appearance of your home. Nobody wants to have anti-bird spikes visible sticking off the edge of their homes, but that’s what people have resorted to with keeping their gutters clear of nests. The K-Guard system avoids this problem entirely.