Garden Essentials: 7 Indoor and Outdoor Plants To Grow In Your Garden


Having plants grow in a garden or even in a small pot or homemade plastic pot is a relaxing and satisfying activity. Seeing how they grow, mature, transform, and bloom is an exciting feeling everyone needs once in a while. Inevitably, gardening has saved some people during these trying times. But did you know you could take gardening indoors?

Indoor plants’ popularity has increased amidst this pandemic. A lot of people are fascinated and interested in plants. Some even collect for their satisfaction. Others took the chance of the hype and made these plants a business. However, what if there are plants that one can plant outside for landscapes and indoors at the same time? This list has seven (7) plants everyone can try to grow outdoors and inside their homes.

Prayer Plants

This is one of those slow and low-growing plants with attractive decorative leaves. They can survive being planted indoors. They are one of those popular indoor plants that prefer to have a greenhouse set-up. Meaning, they like their environment warm and moist with gentle airflow. They also like a lot of fertilizers to make them grow healthy.

They are called prayer plants since they fold their leaves at night as if these plants are praying for the people inside the house while they sleep. Most people growing them tend to hang them from the ceiling in a spot where direct sunlight cannot reach the plant. These plants bloom with flowers that are not showy. Learn More about them here.

Calla Lily

It is essential to pay attention to its growing conditions to make them bloom stunningly and healthily. They are best planted during springtime, and if one plans to grow them indoors, it is ideal to provide them bright but indirect sunlight. Make sure they are not near AC and heating vents. Most importantly, keep their soil moist.

Calla Lilies are available all year-round, but they have their dormancy period, which usually falls in November. During this time, reduce their water and cut their leaves to the soil level. They are expected to live for at least three (3) to nine (9) weeks with a blooming time of 7 to 10 days.


This is a low-maintenance plant, and they bloom attractive flowers, which are usually white, red, and pink. However, they also bloom in purple and orange, but they are infrequent. Bees are attracted to these colors, which means plants surrounding geranium would also benefit from them since bees are known pollinators. Expect a relatively healthy garden. Whether one plans on growing them indoors or outdoors, make sure they get 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight.


There are Begonia varieties, and most of them do not do well in harsh and direct sunlight. It is ideal to place them in a spot where they can get filtered sunlight; under thin shades of trees such as canopies. They are excellent groundcovers, and most are hung if grown indoors. Varieties such as fibrous and rhizomatous begonias grow well as indoor plants, while tuberous begonias do well outdoors. With good care, begonias can last about 2 to 3 years indoors.


This has numerous health benefits since this plant is also a vegetable. One can grow them in a garden or in a pot indoors. A sure thing would be an accessible healthy addition to specific dishes. One cup of this packs 25% of the overall needed vitamin C of the human body every day. Vitamin C is essential in boosting the body’s immune system. It is also packed with vitamin K, which keeps the bones strong and helps in blood clotting.

Boxwood Shrub

It’s a shrub, so can it be planted indoors? It is ideal for planting them outside, and if one wants some of them inside, it can perform well indoors. The thing about boxwood is that it can be trimmed appropriately and accordingly. One can pretty much make it more attractive, especially if it’s in a pot well-groomed. It’s a great addition to the home’s interior, plus, it’s easy to care for. They prefer full sun outdoors and can survive with partial sunlight indoors.


If one is looking for a plant that gives the landscape a tropical sight, then aglaonemas are worth considering. Great for landscapes outside and breathtaking when placed in a pot and displayed indoors. They have attractive leaves and are easy to care for. Make sure to monitor their watering since their stalks retain water which is essential in drought. However, if their stalks are full and the soil is watered again, aglaonema could rot and die.


The plants have to be well taken care of, especially if one plans to grow them indoors. It takes hard work and patience for them to fully mature. Ensure you know the basics of the plant you chose. Research and be meticulous for them to live longer. Give them the best care they should receive to obtain good results.