How to Keep Poinsettia Plants Blooming and Healthy Year-Round


Poinsettia plants are one of the most popular Christmas flowers. If you like to keep them blooming year-round, here are some tips on how to care for these beautiful plants.

The Planting Pot

Get a pot that is at least three times bigger than your current pot. The plant will need more space as it grows larger and becomes bushy with many branches. Ensure your pot has a drainage hole. The drainage hole prevents excess moisture from accumulating near the roots.


It is important to repot the poinsettia plant with fresh potting soil. You can use regular potting soil, but make sure it has a lot of peat moss. It would be best if you repot in a storage shed with a dedicated area for potting. This makes it easier and less messy.

Alternatively, you may repot in a potting shed or greenhouse. To set up the potting shed, you will need a tub or a table to keep all your supplies.

Poinsettias should be repotted once or twice yearly around March and September. These two months are when the plants start blooming.

The Soil Mix

Use soil that has peat moss as one of its ingredients. Adding compost is also recommended because it will make your plant healthier.

Watering Poinsettia Plants

It is important to water poinsettias regularly, especially after repotting the plant. It is also crucial not to overwater them since this can cause root rot or leaf drop. It would be best to use a spray bottle with lukewarm water so that there is no risk of burning the plant.

Light Exposure

The poinsettia plant should get at least six hours of light exposure every day, preferably morning or early-afternoon sun. It will need more light as time goes by, so it would be best to place it by a window where there is bright sunlight. Light exposure should be limited to reduce the risk of burning the leaves.


It is vital to prune them regularly, especially around January or February when they start flowering again. When you do this, make sure that there is a bud on each stem for proper development. Also, you should remove any dead leaves or blossoms.

Temperature Range

The optimal temperature range for poinsettias should be between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day but only 55-65 degrees at night. This means that you can keep your plant in any room of your house, as long as the room maintains these temperatures.

Add Fertilizer

Add fertilizer every two weeks and mix it with the soil. If you are using a liquid fertilizer, use half of the recommended dosage since poinsettias are more sensitive as other plants when it comes to fertilizers.

Poinsettia plants are beautiful and popular, especially during the holidays. However, it is a lot of work to keep them blooming all year round. If you want your poinsettias to stay healthy and look their best, these tips will help you out.