Tips for Decorating a Kitchen with Living Plants


Having plants in the kitchen can liven up the cooking space. You have a better environment to work in and fresher ingredients available on the get go.

Live plants drastically improve oxygen levels and purify the air. They eliminate food stench, toxins from different cleaning products and increase the humidity.

Incorporating plants is a good idea but the how is tricky.

There are many factors to consider like stylistic preferences, plant choices, containers. So, here are a few tips to make the process of decorating your kitchen with plants easier.

1. Have a rough design

Before you start with plants, plan a color scheme. Think about what colors will go with your kitchen walls and furniture.

Then you can plan accent items – tall pots, egg pots, and more.

After this decide what you desire from the plant. The look and color.

There is a huge variety available. There’s green foliage, patterned leaves, yellow blossoms, pink foliage, arrowhead leaves, heart-shaped leaves and more.

Planning such elements will help you create a rough design. Without which shopping for flowers and pots can be extremely overwhelming.

If you have plain blue walls, pink roses in a white pot are a great idea. Pink and blue go well together and you also get a splash of green. White being a neutral color allows for the colors to shine through.

However, if your walls are neutral toned or you have a wooden interior work, white pots and roses won’t work. The plants and the interior don’t complement each other.

Instead, place tall orange pots. You can install plants with green foliage like the snake plant. This goes with a modern, neutral interior by balancing out the mute tones with a pop of color.

2. Green wall in kitchen

If you want to go beyond just placing pots and really create something unique, ride the biophilia wave and install a green wall display.

If your home looks lifeless with the inanimate pieces of decor, a green wall is the quickest and easiest way to infuse life into your home.

A green wall has many aesthetic and practical benefits. It reduces stress and provides artistic scope.

The kitchen is sometimes the least favorite place in the house. This is because it is always hot, noisy and suffocating.

The living green wall purifies the air of the kitchen, keeps the space cool and also absorbs noise. A relaxing and peaceful environment to cook and dine in.

You can put up a green wall disk in your kitchen or cover an entire wall, making it a feature wall.

We recommend that you select drought tolerant plants to build your green wall so that you don’t have to water them as often.

3. Hanging plants

Hanging pots with overflowing leaves and stems is a staple of kitchens. We see it in movies, in homes around us, in commercial kitchens.

At this point, hanging plants is a no brainer.

However, you need to put thought into which plants to put. Which foliage will go with your style?

A lush, green look can be achieved by a bushy ivy like the english ivy. For a minimalist look, you need airier plants like tillandsia.

The plant you pick also depends on the space you can provide. The english ivy needs a spacious room for its vines to grow.

Maidenhair fern, another gorgeous indoor plant bears purple leaves under its foliage. Suspend the maidenhair fern high. So, every time you look up, you can see the purple green contrast.


  • Use clay-based pots for plants that don’t like moist soil.
  • Use wide containers for plants whose foliage spreads horizontally.
  • Tall and skinny containers should be used for plants like string of pearls so that the leaves can dangle.
  • For a rustic look, use a jute macrame hanger. It keeps your plant secure and your kitchen safe.
  • Kokedama Garden is a Japanese gardening style in which the plant’s root ball is wrapped in moss. Secure the ball with a string and suspend the plant.
  • DIY your own pots by rescuing items from around the house like plastic bottles or wooden containers. Cheap and sustainable.

4. Live pants on cabinets

Cabinet tops are often empty and unused spaces. Add a little flavor to your kitchen by adding plants to these areas.

A simple workaround for people who want plants in their kitchens but have a small space.

You can add a few pots and continue the trail by adding similar pots on the kitchen counters and the dining space.

You can either have a maximalist look by placing bizarre shapes, colorful pots on the cabinets with simple plants. Each pot can be different.

Or, you can have similar pots and different plants in each pot. The key is to mix and match.

Decide on what you want the statement piece to be, the plant or the pot? Balance out these elements with each other.

If you have a cabinet placed at the corner of the kitchen, you can place an egg pot and plant a dangling ivy in it. It will create a lush, green, and vertical look.

5. Herbs on window sill

The best thing about having plants in your kitchen is fresh produce. It elevates the flavor of food.

Fresh aloe vera, agave, and more.

And you don’t have to run to the store.

You must put herbs in tiny pots on your window sill. So, that you can always have that fresh, herby flavor in your food.

Must have herbs:

  • Basil so that you can make as much pesto as you want.
  • Cilantro for your Mexican cravings.
  • Dill to bring a depth of flavor to your salads, herb butters, dips and soups.
  • Mint for your refreshing summer drinks.
  • Sage, a must have for the stuffing.

Herbs are the live plants that bring beauty and flavor.