Tips To Upgrade Your Kitchen


The kitchen is the heart of your home. From preparing meals to eating them together as a family, kitchens are arguably the most used spaces in American homes. But as time goes by, this area can receive quite a beating, making spending time in it while cooking, eating, and cleaning undesirable.

A worn-out kitchen can ruin your home’s vibe and significantly diminish its market value if you plan to sell your home down the road. Worn-out cabinets, stained countertops, outdated appliances and fittings, fading floor wood, and water damage are all signs your kitchen requires an upgrade.

Renovating your kitchen can cost you anything from $1000 to $60,000, depending on how you go about it. So, where to start when upgrading the most used room of the house? What materials will be best? Which items to renovate and which ones need replacement? Here are a few tips to help you upgrade your kitchen:

  • Declutter

Before you begin upgrading your kitchen, start by removing stuff you don’t need or use. Discard everything you don’t regularly use, clear your fridge and pantry, remove extra food storage containers, and throw away anything expired. You can donate things like crockery and food containers that may be of some value to someone else. Once you declutter, you’ll have a better idea of how much space you have and what you can do with it.

  • Change the sink

An old and rusty sink can make your kitchen look unclean, no matter how much you clean it. You may have to cope with water damage, mold, and smell if it leaks. So upgrade your sink for a cleaner look and to reduce the risk of water seeping from below. You can browse a kitchen sink online and buy one that matches the aesthetic you’re planning for your new kitchen. You can also include a wide range of accessories in your sink, including utensil racks, cutting boards, and drying racks.

  • Decide on a color scheme

A new color theme can spruce up your kitchen’s look instantly. So decide on a color theme for the walls, tiles, paint, and furnishings you want to upgrade. According to BHG, green is the most trending color for kitchens in 2022, followed by black and gray. If neutral and muted tones are your cuppa, you can opt for sunny yellows or ruby reds for a bolder look.

  • Update the floor

Wooden floors experience a lot of wear and tear over time. Scratches, spills, stains, and fading can make your floor look drab. So consider touching it up by sanding t and polishing it again. If it’s damaged beyond repair, consider replacing the floor. Hardwood such as hickory is a popular and sustainable choice for kitchen floors. But you can choose from a variety of hardwoods to select the perfect color and texture for your kitchen’s theme. If wood exceeds your budget, opt for waterproof vinyl or ceramic and porcelain tiles. These are available in a plethora of designs and colors.

  • Upgrade the cabinets

Old creaking cabinets can be an eye sore and might also contain several pests you’d want to get rid of. So replace them with updated ones. You can order custom-made cabinets online and paint them according to your chosen theme. This will also help you add more increase storage space in your kitchen.

While you’re at it, swap old-style hardware with modern, sleek designs. Tubular and square bar pulls are one of the trendiest styles this year; they are available in black, silver, bronze, and even copper.

  • Change the countertops

Countertops can wear out pretty fast if you don’t use a cutting board or don’t clean spills immediately. An ugly countertop can make meal prep less enjoyable, so consider repairing or upgrading it. You can buff it up with a durable finish if you don’t want to replace it. Or you can install new countertops for a more dramatic upgrade. Choose a material that is scratch resistant and easy to clean.

  • Invest in new appliances

If you’re living in an old home, chances are the appliances in the kitchen are also dated. Old appliances such as the fridge, oven, and stove are not only an eye sore, but can also be risky to work with. You’re better off replacing them with newer ones to avoid getting shocked or something exploding in your face. Plus, not only do brand-new appliances make cooking more enjoyable, but they also bump up your home’s market value significantly. Invest in eco-friendly products.

You can also upgrade your arsenal of kitchen gadgets and devices if you want to add more diversity to your cooking habits. Consider replacing multiple food processing devices by investing in all-in-one processors.

  • Get new cookware

Investing in cookware could be beneficial for your kitchen and also your health. Damaged Teflon can be toxic and also burn your food. Although the most modern cookware is non-stick, options like iron, copper, and ceramics are available in the market. Cooking and kitchen experts suggest changing non-stick cookware every five years.

  • Install new lights

A well-lit kitchen can make cooking more manageable. So if yours is dark and gloomy, consider making it bright. Add more windows if that’s an option since more natural light is better. Or simply update the lighting fixtures to provide more ambient lighting in the room. You can also adjust the temperature and brightness this way.

If you want something fancier, add small chandeliers, LED downlights, or ceiling fixtures are some good options. You can also add under-cabinet lighting to illuminate specific places of interest, like showing off pretty decorative pieces or artwork. Pendant lights above your countertop can provide as much lighting as possible without disturbing your work area.


Upgrading your kitchen can cost you anything between a few hundred bucks to thousands of dollars, depending on your goal. But you don’t have to burn a hole through your pocket to achieve a drastic and aesthetically pleasing upgrade. You can use the tips mentioned above to get started on turning your existing kitchen from drab to fab!