How To Reduce Stress When Moving to Sacramento With Kids


Moving with kids can be stressful, especially for the kids. You’ll have to explain the matter to them very carefully. But then, you’ll still have to answer the numerous questions that the kids would ask. Also, when moving to Sacramento, there’s the challenge of having to help them adjust to the new environment, school, and the property that they’re going to call their new home.

In this article, we will be giving you tips on how to reduce stress when moving with kids, plus we will also give you some tips on how to find cheap movers in your area.

Preparing Your Children for the Move

Before discussing how to reduce stress when moving with kids, it is important for you to know how to prepare your children for the move.

Preparing a child for the move depends on how young the child is. Younger kids tend to be easier to prepare for the move since they are easier to subdue, and they still don’t have friends or school to adjust to yet.

Tell Them About the Move Right Away

The first thing you need to do is to tell them about the move right away. This way, you will have time to prepare them for the move, and this way, you can give them the chance to say goodbye to their friends in the neighborhood.

Furthermore, letting them know about the move right away will also help you gauge their reaction and know if they are excited or terrified by the move.

Excitement usually comes from the younger kids while most of the time, the older kids will often find it terrifying because it will be a new environment for them, and they will have to adjust to new friends and the new school.

Explain Thoroughly

The next step in preparing your kids for your big move is to explain why you need to move. Make sure that you don’t just tell them about the move. You will have to explain it to them, detail by detail.

This way, they will be able to come to terms with the how’s, when’s, and why’s of the move, which will in turn make it easier for them to accept it and will also help the kids adjust.

Moreover, explaining things to them properly might remove this from one of their most stressful life events, making it one that gives them more excitement and cheer.

Introduce Them to the New Environment

The next step is to take them to their new hometown or new house. This will also trigger excitement and will help you gauge if your children are interested or excited about the new house or place.

In addition to this, introducing them to the new city or place often gives them a chance to see their new room, which often excites most children since this means that they will have a new ambiance and space to move into.

Let Them Pack Their Valuables

Another tip to make it easier for your kids to accept the move easily is to let them pack things that are valuable or precious to them.

Yes, it might be tempting to clear everything when packing, but it is most advisable to leave your kids’ most loved things like their favorite blankets, toys, and other belongings where they can see them.

The best advice is to let them pack those things themselves. By leaving those things where they can see them, you can let them enjoy their old life while preparing to build a new one in a new neighborhood.

Maintain Normal Family Routines

This is one of the most important parts of preparing your kids for their new life in a new environment. You must make sure to still leave room for the old one so that the change won’t be too drastic for them.

Maintaining your family routines will help your children carefully transition into a new home and new life. This will also help them understand that you’re only moving and that nothing else will change, making the move less scary for them.

Let Them Have Fun on the Moving Day

The moving day can be very stressful for most children but, it doesn’t have to be for your kids. You can make the moving day easier and more fun for them by sending them with their grandparents or giving them projects and tasks to do during the special day.

Doing this will help them find moving more fun and will take their minds off from the pressure and the strain that usually comes with it. This will also buy you some time to do more important things and focus on more important tasks of moving, especially on searching for a reliable moving company in Sacramento, so it’s a win-win situation.

Let Them Decorate

You can use the products of your little projects during the moving day for decorating your kids’ rooms. Or, you can go ahead and do some shopping beforehand or after you’ve let them visit the new place and let them decide how they’d want to decorate their new space.

This will help your child adapt to the new room or environment and will also make moving with kids feel easy for you and your family. Also, this can promote fun and bonding moments for you and your family.

While doing so, you can prepare your phones and record the whole decorating process to get a memento for when they grow up.


There’s nothing more enticing for kids than food and treats that they love. During the moving day, it can also be a great idea to bribe your kids with some delicious treats or their favorite food to capture their attention and take their minds off from the actual moving process.

Doing this will not only help you make moving with kids a lot easier but will also help you and your kids’ bond over food. Just be careful and mindful that they don’t get that ice cream all over the furniture you’re about to move!

Be Patient

Moving can not only be stressful for you but it can also be an incredibly stressful and emotional experience for your children. This is why you must be very patient and always choose your battles whenever they throw tantrums.

Always keep in mind that these are children you’re dealing with, and they won’t always be able to understand the situation or circumstances you’re in so be sure to always be ready to extend your patience when speaking to them.

Be Positive

Always exhibit a positive attitude when moving with kids. This is one of the keys to keeping your patience intact and avoiding any arguments with them when moving.

Keeping a positive attitude will help boost your kids’ move and will also help them see the whole moving process in a more positive light.

Always remember that kids tend to mimic what you’re doing and how you’re feeling and so it is important to keep a positive attitude and demeanor when moving with them.

Removing The Stress Off of Moving with Kids

Now that you know how you can reduce the stress of moving with kids, it is safe to assume that you’re more than ready to get moving!

Moving to Sacramento with kids can be very stressful not only for parents but especially for the children as it requires a lot of adjustments and understanding for both sides. But you can remove the stress of the whole moving process with your family by working together and maintaining a positive attitude. The best way to lessen stress is to simplify your move by working with reliable and professional movers in Sacramento.

Always keep in mind that you are moving with kids and that requires more attention and patience. You should also be mindful of your actions and your mood during the whole process since kids tend to adapt and feel how you’re feeling based on the way you act during that day.

So, if you’re stressed, then it will make them feel stressed. We know that it’s not easy but keep in mind that with positivity and the best movers in town, everything is doable!