8 Tips to Ensure Life of Wood Flooring


Unlike the past, the contemporary generation has umpteen options to improve the visual appeal of their homes. The market is crammed with a myriad of internal and external designing features that eventually add to the beauty of your home. This speaks volumes about how the construction industry has evolved over time. 

However, as they say, quality never goes out of style. This maxim sits well with wood flooring because despite being one of the oldest types of flooring, it is still very much popular. Wood flooring is not all about looks. In a way, it also conveys your love with tradition. 

Having said that, wood flooring has been stigmatized as something that does not last long enough. Well, it cannot get any further from reality. Many homeowners have stretched the lifespan of hardwood flooring to decades without allowing it to lose its luster. You can also do the same by taking the following measures:  

  1. Choose cleaning supplies carefully 

Typically, this is where many people go wrong. Homeowners assume that any type of floor cleaner will get the job done. The best way to buy the right cleaner for wood floors is to read the bottle label. If you have four-legged-friends in the house, then make sure the formula is a non-toxic one. 

A lot of cleaning supplies used for outdoor decking may do a fine job early in the piece. They are sure to cause irreparable damage in the long run. For those looking for budget-friendly options can make equally good cleaners at their home. Some of the most famous home-made cleaners are as follows: 

  • If you have the remotest of an idea about DIY cleaning alternatives, you would know the importance of vinegar. Depending on the severity of grime, mix vinegar in water and mope it on your wood floor. The floor will regain its shine again. Sometimes the finishing of the floor is water-sensitive. In that case, you should consider mixing vegetable oil with vinegar.  
  • Black tea is rich with ingredients like tannic acid, which usually use in the cleaning liquids. Swap your floor with three tea bags blended into 4 cups of water and bid farewell to dirt. You may add a squeezed lime, lemon or orange for fragrance. 
  1. Do not allow shoes inside 

Arguably the biggest source of bringing dirt into the house is shoes. You may have a habit of wiping shoes time and again, but still, it is impossible to entirely get rid of dust and filth. These seemingly invisible particles are no less than parasites for a wood floor. So if you do not leave shoes at the entrance, the floor will get scuffs and scratches rather sooner than later. 

This measure is comparatively easy to implement among the family members. But asking guests to do the same might be a tricky part because it may not sound courteous enough. There are friendly and diplomatic ways to put no-shoe policy into effect: 

  • Make the most of a signboard. This a polite way to communicate your message.
  • Install a bench and cubbies at the entry point. 
  1. Swap your space with rugs and mats

Having dealt with outside dirt, it is time to nib in the bud of the mess generated inside the house, such as food straps and spilled-liquids. That is where mats and rugs swing into action. The kitchen is the go-to place to be layered with these home elements because it accounts for the maximum clutter. 

Other than kitchen counter and sink, you should also swap rugs and mats on high traffic areas of the house. The designs of these house elements have evolved with time. So rugs and mats will not prove to be a liability as far as the attractiveness of your house is concerned.      

  1. Keep sunlight at bay

There are vast and varied benefits of sunlight if it is taken in a measured proportion; This is one reason why we all love our house to be exposed to the sun. After all, an excessive amount of UV rays will lead to disastrous consequences for wood flooring. It will take away all the shine and glitter, giving the floor an extremely dull look. There are two efficient ways to minimize the severity of UV rays: 

  1. Arrange your furniture in such a way that it largely blocks sunlight from piercing into your house
  2. Install high-quality windows 
  1. Avoid dragging furniture

Moving objects like furniture can also cause considerable damage to wood flooring. Despite strictly forbidding, children may drag chairs and lightweight sofas anyway. You should use caster underneath suchlike fittings. 

Casters will surely protect the floor from wear and tear, but some of them could inflict marks on the floor. Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is recommended to opt for non-marking casters made of rubber instead of plastic or metal casters. 

  1. Keep it dry 

No person in his sane mind would ever suggest you to install wood flooring in the bathroom and laundry room. The reason behind this is that these are moisture-prone areas. But having a wood floor in relatively drier parts of the house does not mean it can not catch moisture. Even the slightest of moisture can cause havoc to the wood floor, notes National Wood Flooring Association.  Broadly put, keeping the floor dry is critical if you want it to last longer. 

Of course, mats and rugs will pose deterrence against moisture. But it would be better to invest in a dehumidifier and vacuum. They will make a world of difference.   

  1. Deep cleaning is a must 

Though we brush regularly, many of us still go to the dentist at least once a year for thorough cleaning. The same goes for wood flooring. Manufacturers suggest that every homeowner must hire professionals to do away with deep-seated dirt at least once a year. Do not take liberty with the cleaning schedule or else it will not live up to your expectations. 

  1. Refinish the floor frequently  

This is also an essential piece of advice coming from the end of experts. As a rule of thumb, it will be a healthy practice to indulge in refinishing every five to seven years. Depending on the condition of the floor, you may subsequently delay or rush for the process. 

The takeaway message

As you can see, maintaining wood floors is not a tough nut to crack. Just a handful of simple strategies can add decades into their overall lifespan. Since we have outlined the best tried and trusted tips, you do not need to look any further. 
