Home Decoration Ideas with Wood Stoves


People go to all lengths to augment the beauty of their homes. There is no end to experimentation when it comes to home decoration. The web is replete with lovely home décor ideas. Incorporate them in your house and you will end up creating lovely Instagram worthy spots in your house. Interestingly, some people use the lovely wood stoves for the purpose of interior decoration. Burning wood stoves have forever been a part of homes. They were originally incorporated due to their functionality but later on, they made way to being a part of home décor in a big way.

The story behind The Wood Stoves

Initially, only stone or brick was used to build a wood stove. And the stove looked akin to a huge hearth with a stone bench. But with the passage of time, the pattern and size of the woodstove went through a huge transformation. In fact, in the past, the wood stoves were part of every household and the purpose of the same was to keep warm the inside of a home. However, as time passed it was realized that the wood would get burned down quite quickly and this was not a very great idea to keep indoors warm and cozy.

Aesthetic Value of Wood Stoves

Some people still made wood stoves the part of their homes for their decorative and aesthetic value. The design, the material used and the overall look of the wood stove has undergone a momentous change. From classic designs to contemporary, you can choose whatever you like in accordance to your décor and budget preferences. Modern materials are used that can retain the heat and keep the room warm for a much longer time. So, things have become extremely easy and convenient now. Also, due to growth in technology, chimney installation can be done much faster and without any extra hassle now.

Different Kinds Of Wood Stoves

There are so many companies that sell ready to fix wood stoves. There are several amazing designs and patterns available. You can even get a wood stove custom designed in accordance with your size specifications. Every home requires a focal point and what better highlight spot than a beautiful vintage fireplace.

Wood burning stoves are a wonderful interior decor choice. They rope in a distinctive character to the place where they are kept. There are a sure shot elegance and luxury that gets roped in with a wood-burning stove. You can place them wherever you want without any problem. Be it your living room, or your bedroom, the kitchen, etc these wooden furnaces can instantly transform a place and take the décor story to the next level.

In this article, we will also tell you some of the tips that will help you select the best wood burning stove for your home.

Make Wood Stove the Central Point of A Room

You can make a wood stove the highlighting feature of any room. Many wood stoves come with a glass door. This allows you to keep nice furniture close to it and build up a cozy feel. Add a splash of color to lift the vibe of the entire place.

If you have an open plan home, wood-burning stoves enable building a beautiful wall divide. They even enhance the minimalist style. So, in short, there are no limits on how you can use the wood-burning stove to adorn the room. Choose a perky backdrop that accentuates the appeal of the wood-burning stove. You can have a brightly hued wall or wall with tiles.

Hang striking paintings or bold art pieces close to the burning stove. Just ensure that it is not very close as this would increase the chances of it being burned up. The visual effects of a wood stove are just brilliant and will take your style story to the next level.

Size of wood Burning Stove

Wood Burning stoves do not take a lot of space. So, you can easily have one that fits in your room without any issue. Always take the estimate of their height, width, and length and then place an order accordingly. In case you wish to make a huge impact, you can opt for a wood-burning stove in a big size. It looks impressive and will leave an everlasting impression on the mind of any person that comes to your home. Also, when someone sees a huge hearth in the middle of your living room, it leaves a royal impression on the mind of the onlooker. Burning stoves are the epitome of a chic period home.  It is a dreamy spot where you can sip your singles malts and whiskeys and enjoy a hint of ostentatious royalty.

Wrapping Up

Doing up the interiors of your home is a fun process. It not only requires creativity, but it also calls for proper budget planning. There are so many different things that you can introduce in your home and burning wood stoves are just a part of it. Just make sure that you choose a design that complements the entire feel of your home.

Do not go overboard with experimenting, lest your house will end up looking like a mess. Wood burning stove chases away the chill and makes your home a cozy haven. And this holds good especially if you stay in cold countries. These are some of the home decoration ideas that can decorate your home. Invest in things that have a longer appeal.

Steer clear of the styles and installations that might go obsolete or outmoded after a short period.  So, go ahead incorporate a vintage or a contemporary burning stove in your home and lend your home the touch and feel that you have always been vying for. If you are a little brave, paint the walls white but bear in mind that you go for the soot friendly variety. Enjoy a peaceful and inviting home for the chilly winters.