Seven Things You Didn’t Know About Roofing


To many homeowners and building proprietors, a roof is merely the object topping said structures. It is likely that said individuals typically do not pay much mind to these coverings. That said, roofs are vital exterior components to any construction. Read on to learn about the importance these structures bear, in addition to seven facts most individuals do not know about roofing in general.

A Roof’s Importance

Many employed in the construction industry maintain that a home or building’s roof is one of its most critical features. Said structure serves as a barrier shielding the interior and those living or working inside said area from potentially cruel elements like temperature extremes and poor weather conditions.

Desperate Couple Sitting on the Sofa Near Plastic Wash Bowl at Home in the Living Room Because of Roof Leaking

Seven Things You Did Not Know About Roofing

A Variety of Materials

To the untrained eye, many roofs look the same. However, such beliefs could not be further from the truth. In reality, roofs can be countless materials. Commonly employed products include asphalt, vinyl, slate, concrete and wood. These and the many other materials used to construct roofs do an admirable job of providing insulation and safeguarding the structure’s interior from exterior forces.

That said, there are different materials for various reasons. Certain products provide greater aesthetic quality and improve how the home or building appears from afar. However, others may prove more beneficial in withstanding extreme conditions. Property owners typically render ultimate decisions based on several additional factors such as their budgetary limitations, the contour of their home or building, and the installation process’s complexities.

Consistent Inspection is Necessary

Roofs are not meant to be set down and serve merely for decoration. They must receive regular inspections. Granted, the materials used to create said coverings are durable and designed to last for many years. That said, over time, subtle, often undetectable changes can occur. If left unchecked, these issues could ultimately pose major problems. Therefore, responsible property owners will have their roofs inspected by professional contractors on a relatively routine basis.

A Variety of Parts

The roof is not simply a simple surface positioned atop a home or building. In truth, these features are several varying components, including shingles, sealant, flashing, insulation, ventilation slats, ridges, valleys, decking, saddle, edges and membranes. Additionally, all of these parts must coincide with other interior and exterior features like the attic and chimney.

Roofs Are Not DIY Projects

Roofs are complex constructions with numerous parts and must fit a home or building’s specific designs. Therefore, the placing of said feature is not a DIY project. Skilled and experienced professionals should handle even inspections and minor repairs.

Untrained individuals attempting to construct or remediate a roof could potentially cause significant harm to their homes, themselves and their close relations. Poorly constructed roofs do not protect a construction or those frequenting it from exterior elements. As time progresses, this will likely cause some degree of harm to property and person.

Furthermore, placing a roof requires working with specialized tools in awkward, potentially dangerous locations. Untrained persons are more prone to serious injuries, such as falls.

They Need to Breathe

The long term longevity of a roof depends heavily on said structure receiving adequate ventilation. Therefore, responsible homeowners or building proprietors will make sure their roofs have sufficient ventilation slats. Inadequately ventilated roofs are susceptible to moisture, serious damage and deterioration.

Roof Remediation isn’t Always Expensive

Most people associate any roof work as prohibitively expensive. Granted, when conducted by reputable professionals, roof jobs are not typically cheap. However, employing the right materials and workforce might prevent the task from breaking a home or property owner’s budget.

Local Companies Work Best

When needing roof work completed, industry insiders suggest retaining a local company’s services. Said individuals opine that local contractors are more invested in the community that large conglomerates and are less likely to treat each customer like a number.