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Top Real Estate Marketing Ideas To Bring In Qualified Leads

Real estate, in essence, is a field that can be pretty lucrative for a business. As per a study, almost 88% of people have bought a house through a real estate broker or agent. Besides, amongst them, nearly 73% of people opted for only one agent while searching.

Hence, if you are presentable and efficient enough, you can definitely earn a hefty amount of money through the same.

However, before you start dreaming, you will need to learn how to make your website more visible on the internet. Otherwise, people will not know anything about your existence and, therefore, it’ll be less likely for you to get new clients.

So, how are you going to do that?

Well, in this case, you will have to find a way to bring in quality leads to your website. Keep reading this article till the end to know how you’re going to do that.

Marketing Ideas For Your Website 

Let’s start our journey off with the prospect of marketing through your website. Here are some tips that can help you out in this regard.

Idea – 1: Improve Your Homepage

The homepage of your website should be sublimely-designed and easy to shuffle through. It needs to be pretty responsive too. Otherwise, people will not stay there for much time at all.

Also, while you’re at it, be sure to use vibrant images, place an intuitive menu, and write a call to action whenever it’s possible.

Idea – 2: Focus On User Experience

Next up is the user experience of your website. In this aspect, you’ll have to consider working on your site’s speed, design, theme, and color.

Even the outlook of the cursor on your website can make the whole setting look beautiful. So, try to focus on anything that can improve the user experience of your site.

Idea – 3: Boost Your SEO 

Having an excellent-looking website will do nothing for you if no one can discover it. Hence, to work more efficiently in this regard, you will need to boost your SEO too.

Here’s what you need to do in this regard.

Social Media Marketing 

When it comes to marketing, only focusing on your website will not be good enough for you. Besides, you will also need to work on social media advertising as well. Here are a few tips that can get you started!

Idea – 1: Set Up Your Social Media Profile 

When it comes to the world of real estate, Instagram tends to be the most sought-after social media platform for everyone.

However, if you want to get maximum exposure, we will ask you to opt for Facebook and Linkedin as well.

Idea – 2: Publicize Your Product

Only creating a social media profile isn’t going to be enough for you. In addition to it, you will also need to work on marketing and publicizing your prospects. It can be about the properties you want to share or the website you have.

For example, Teifke Real Estate announced its website’s ability to perform free searches on its social media. It helped them gain more visibility in the market and made them an easier prospect for the general audience.

Idea – 3: Start Using Hashtags 

Finally, you will also have to start using hashtags for your social media platform. You can start by using local hashtags and then move on to topical ones for your purpose.

Once you have gained enough ground in this regard, you can begin implying the broader hashtags as well. This way, you will be able to get the attention of both an investor as well as someone wanting to buy a house.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions 

As of now, we have told you about the marketing ideas that you need to know to bring qualified leads for your purpose. However, in this section, we’ll answer some queries that might come to your mind after reading till now.

How Do You Generate Off Market Real Estate Leads? 

Generating off-market real estate leads will entirely depend on how you are advertising on the available social media platform. For example, if you want to get more leads, you will need to run Facebook and Linkedin ads regularly.

How Do You Market To High-End Real Estate Clients? 

Attracting clients in your market would highly depend on your relationship with them. Hence, whenever you are contacting them, we will ask you to be as bold and confident as possible. Besides, make sure to create one or two pieces of content for them to show your usefulness.

Where Do Most Real Estate Leads Come From? 

The best leads come from people with whom you have developed relationships while trading houses. Nurturing the same will help generate repeats selling and referral business altogether.

How Can I Impress A Real Estate Client? 

As a broker, impressing a real estate client can be a little tricky. Nonetheless, if you can follow these rules, you will be able to do well in this regard –

Final Thoughts 

So, at last, now, we have come to the end of our article.

With the aforementioned marketing ideas, we’re pretty sure that you will wow your potential consumers and attract them to your property. Just make sure to create a plan properly from scratch, and you will be all set.

Even selling your house to an investor will do a world of good for you.

However, if you still have any queries regarding anything, make sure to let us know all about it in the comment section below. We will help you out as quickly as possible.


Shannon, A. (2010). What’s on your bookshelf? Books a great resource for new marketing ideas and strategies. Journal of Property Management75(3), 12-13.

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