3 Tips For Creating A Celebratory Table


A lot of our fondest memories in life take place around the dinner table. Whether it’s a birthday, wedding or a festive get-together; there are plenty of happy periods in our lives revolving around the table.

Our tables are not always prepared for these moments, however. Often when we are faced with a celebration of some kind, we react simply by stripping the table bare or simply laying it up with as much cutlery as we can find in the drawer. This isn’t necessarily the most aesthetic method, however. Remember, the table is where the upcoming celebration is going to take place. It is at the heart of your family or your friends, and it should be treated as a decorative and aesthetic hub of the party. So how best do you create a celebratory table? Read on to discover 3 useful tips in preparation for more memory-making moments.

Work Out The Aesthetic Based On The Celebration Itself

It’s no good tying up a load of balloons and bunting if the celebration itself is more of a low key family get together. What you do with your table is entirely dependent on the celebration itself. That doesn’t mean the decor has to be low key, however. You can add spice to it. Perhaps look at placing a platter of fruit onto the center, or a basket of hand-picked pine cones or flowers. There are many natural objects you can find just outside the door which can make your table look interesting and welcoming.

Go The Extra Mile

If you are celebrating a festive holiday and you want to go the extra mile, then you should go for it. Take Hanukkah, for instance. You might not have a large celebration every year, but rest assured there will be future festive holidays you will want to go all out for. Prepare now by purchasing special, hand made plates, cutlery or even candlesticks which represent your faith. If you celebrate Hanukkah, then check out nadavart.com for ideas on how you can decorate the table appropriately. Your guests and family will feel far more lavished and excited to celebrate if they can see the amount of effort you have put in. What’s more, the next time you have a big celebration you can dust off the décor, plates or candlesticks and lavish them all over again.

Give In To Your Creativity 

Remember, you can always be creative. If you are unsure that your table is doing enough to capture the essence of the celebration, then use the space around it. Tie some tinsel around the chairs, wrap some decorative lights around the chandelier or mounted bulbs. Look at the space you have and think of the best way to utilize it, but note that it is always best to match the color scheme of the celebration with the decorations that you use. Making it look natural is the best way to make it look beautiful.