How To Keep Foxes Out Of Your Garden


Foxes, with their playful demeanor and striking appearance, may seem like charming visitors to your garden at first glance. However, for many gardeners who want to protect their garden from unwanted animals, these cunning creatures can quickly become a nuisance, wreaking havoc on carefully tended plants and leaving behind a trail of damage.

As scavengers by nature, foxes are inherently interested and drawn to every possible food source. They hunt in both urban and rural settings, so if your garden is attractive to them, they’ll take advantage of the chance to snag some delicious food!

Foxes may also be drawn to your garden if it offers them refuge or a secure area to rest in addition to food.

But fear not! With the right strategies and a bit of know-how, you can effectively keep foxes at bay while still enjoying the beauty of your garden sanctuary.

Understanding Fox Behavior:

Before diving into methods to deter foxes, it’s crucial to understand their behavior. Foxes are intelligent and adaptable animals known for their curious nature and scavenging habits. They’re attracted to gardens for various reasons, including the availability of food, shelter, and potential den sites. Additionally, they may be drawn to gardens by the presence of small animals like rodents or insects.

Identifying Signs of Fox Activity:

To effectively address the fox problem in your garden, it’s essential to recognize the signs of their presence. Common indicators include:

  • Foul Odors: Foxes mark their territory with strong-smelling urine and feces, which can leave an unpleasant odor lingering in your garden.
  • Digging: Foxes are skilled diggers and may excavate holes in search of food or create dens for shelter.
  • Damage to Plants: Foxes may trample or nibble on plants, particularly fruits and vegetables, causing significant damage to your garden.
  • Tracks: Keep an eye out for paw prints in soft soil or mud, which can indicate recent fox activity in your garden.

Effective Strategies to Keep Foxes Out

Now that you’re familiar with fox behavior and signs of their presence, let’s explore some practical strategies to deter them from your garden and keep you garden looking its best:

Secure Perimeter Fencing:

Installing sturdy fox fencing around your garden is one of the most effective ways to keep foxes out. When selecting fencing materials, opt for sturdy options such as metal mesh wire. These materials are difficult for foxes to chew through or manipulate, providing a formidable barrier.

Additionally, consider the following tips to enhance the effectiveness of your perimeter fencing:

  1. Height: Aim for a fence height of at least 6 feet to prevent foxes from easily jumping over. Taller fences, reaching up to 8 feet, may be necessary in areas with particularly bold or agile fox populations.
  2. Overhangs and Burrowing Prevention: Foxes are adept climbers and diggers, so it’s essential to reinforce your fencing to thwart their efforts. Extend the fence height with an outward-facing overhang, preferably angled at 45 degrees, to deter climbing attempts. Additionally, use a ground skirt underground, or consider adding a horizontal wire apron extending outward to prevent digging.
  3. Check for Gaps and Weak Points: Regularly inspect your fence for any gaps, holes, or weak points that may provide entry for foxes. Repair any damage promptly, paying particular attention to areas around gates, corners, and where the fence meets the ground.

By fortifying your garden perimeter with a combination of height, strength, and deterrent features, you can create a formidable barrier that effectively keeps foxes at bay, safeguarding your plants and property from potential damage.

Motion-Activated Lights and Sprinklers:

Foxes are nocturnal creatures, so installing motion-activated lights can startle them and discourage them from entering your garden at night. Similarly, motion-activated sprinkler systems can deter foxes with a sudden burst of water, mimicking a predator’s presence.

Remove Attractants:

You might be wondering what foxes eat and how to eliminate potential food sources that may attract foxes to your garden. Secure garbage bins with tight-fitting lids, avoid leaving pet food outside, and clean up fallen fruits and vegetables promptly. Additionally, consider installing mesh or wire covers over compost bins to prevent access.

Create Barriers:

If fencing the entire garden isn’t feasible, consider creating smaller barriers around vulnerable areas, such as raised beds or individual plants. Use chicken wire or hardware cloth to create protective enclosures that foxes cannot penetrate.

Natural Deterrents:

Foxes are known to be sensitive to certain scents and tastes. Utilize natural deterrents such as citrus peels, garlic, chili powder, or vinegar sprayed around the perimeter of your garden to repel foxes. You can also try spreading predator urine or hair (available at garden centers) to create the illusion of a predator presence.

Maintain a Tidy Garden:

Keep your garden tidy and well-maintained to reduce potential hiding spots for foxes. Trim overgrown vegetation, clear away brush piles, and minimize clutter where foxes may seek shelter. A tidy garden is also a wildlife friendly garden, minus the foxes!

Install a Motion-Activated Sound Device:

Foxes are wary of unfamiliar noises. Consider installing a motion-activated sound device that emits loud noises or predator calls when triggered, scaring off any unwanted visitors.


While foxes can pose a challenge to gardeners, implementing these proactive strategies can help mitigate their presence and protect your garden from damage. By understanding fox behavior, identifying signs of their activity, and employing effective deterrents, you can create a fox-free sanctuary where your plants can thrive undisturbed. With patience and persistence, you can enjoy the beauty of your garden without worrying about unwanted furry visitors.

County Fencing stands as a trusted authority in fox fencing solutions, offering expertise and guidance for any fencing project. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the nuances of fencing, the team excels in providing tailored solutions to address the unique challenges posed by foxes. Whether you’re looking to protect your property, livestock, or garden from fox intrusion, their specialists are equipped with the knowledge and resources to recommend the most effective fencing solutions.