How to Save Money on The Office Moving?


Office moving differs from other types of transportation, above all, the requirements for compressed deadlines for its implementation. As a rule, the heads of companies want to move quickly and accurately, without interruption of the established work process. However, not only the timing of the move is of interest to corporate clients: the key position during the planning of office move takes its cost.

Factors affecting the cost of the moving service

The amount of the forthcoming costs for office moving in A Plus Moving Group gives the head a lot of unpleasant moments, forcing to look for ways to reduce costs, to maintain the level of profitability of activity.

Therefore, the services of transport companies are in high demand, guaranteeing the quality of work, combined with their reasonable cost.

If you order the service of office moving for the first time, it is useful to know what factors are taken as a basis for pricing, and whether there are ways to reduce the price of specialists perform activities.

Components of the cost of office relocation services

Speaking of the factors affecting the prices for office relocation services, it is necessary to highlight:

  • The volume of work – in this point, the amount of furniture and equipment, computer park and office equipment requiring special care, documents and property of the company are taken into account. Transportation of a small office, which occupies two rooms, or the company, located on a couple of floors of a business center, will be many times different in price;
  • Distance office transportation – if the way on the roads of the capital will take a couple of hours, given the traffic jams and other problems, be prepared for the substantial costs. Especially to reduce client’s expenses, the company specialists-executor compose the route of the trip, which helps to avoid any delays en route;
  • Customer’s wishes regarding the urgency and duration of relocation – this includes the number of vehicles ordered, and the number of loaders, and the requirement to complete the work within 24 hours, etc.
  • Season of moving – in summer, during vacations, it will be cheaper than in autumn, at the beginning of a new business season, or in spring;
  • Ordered a range of additional services – such as furniture assembly and disassembly, insurance, cargo security, etc.

Ways to optimize the cost of office relocation

After receiving a preliminary calculation of the cost of office relocation services, do not rush into despair. The following measures will allow you to reduce the specified amount to an acceptable size:

  • Choose not all services in a row, but only those that are needed;
  • Plan the date of the move so that it falls closer to the weekend, and during this time, you can fully prepare the office for the beginning of the next work week;
  • Prepare for the move in advance – collect all the small items in the boxes, take care of the documents, buy the right amount of packing materials;
  • Check with the company – the executor of the current discounts and bonuses for customers;
  • Carry out your move without assistants – your colleagues are your main helpers on the way to a more economical move. Inform your employees in advance of the date of the upcoming move and ask them to pack their belongings, mark boxes and furniture, and disconnect office equipment the day before this day.

If you are going to save money, properly weigh the pros and cons of the planned benefit. By involving employees in packing and partial transportation of office items, you distract them from their direct responsibilities. If it does not significantly affect your business, then this method of saving is justified, but if the company risks incurring more losses than it can save – completely trust the professionals.