The Easiest Ways to Brighten Up Your Home


There are many advantages to having a brighter home. It can boost your mood, help you work more productively, and even decrease the risk of depression. A bright home is also more inviting. It will welcome you home after a hard day and make a great impression on guests. Unfortunately, however, we don’t all have light, bright homes. If your main rooms face away from the sunlight, they might be dull and gray, and you’ll have to work a little harder with your décor choices to compensate. Here are some of the easiest things that you can do to brighten your home.


Spring Clean

Perhaps the easiest way to brighten up your house is to clean it up. Spend time decluttering, vacuuming behind furniture, wiping sides, cleaning things like light shades that might not get done too often, and shampooing your carpet. Usually, cleaning things that don’t get done very often leaves them a shade or two lighter.

Clean Your Windows

Your windows are the best way to let more light in. If they haven’t been cleaned for a while, spend some time thoroughly cleaning both inside and out, as well as your frames and sills. If your windows are small or old, you might want to consider a more significant change with a new style of window.

Rearrange Your Furniture

If larger items of furniture are placed near windows and other light sources, or clustered together, they may block light and make things look darker, casting heavy shadows. Try moving your furniture around, spreading pieces more evenly, and moving them away from light sources to create the appearance of more space, and therefore more light.

Give Your Walls a Fresh Coat of Paint

Even if you love the color of your walls, a fresh coat of paint can make a lot of difference. Consider going a shade or two lighter on your main walls, but even if you paint them the same color, they’ll look much cleaner and fresher.

Invite Nature in

Houseplants and fresh flowers are a fantastic way to brighten up a room. Choose colorful plants that cheer you up and add some personality to your space.

Add Pops of Color

Light walls brighten things up, but they can be boring. Add pops of color to your wall hangings, accessories, and soft furnishings.

Include Mirrors in Your Décor

Mirrors are a fantastic way not only to make a small room look larger, they can also reflect the light, brightening your room. Place large mirrors near or opposite your windows for the best effects.

Add a Colorful Rug

Adding a large, colorful rug to your floor can be one of the fastest ways to brighten up a space, but also to add some fun to a tired old carpet.

If you are still struggling, or your home still feels closed in and dark, you might want to consider making some bigger changes. These could include knocking a wall through to create a larger, open-plan space and adding larger windows or French doors. Remember, a brighter home can be well worth it, even if you need to make more significant changes.