5 Proven Ways to Promote Your Home for Sale


There are a wide variety of different reasons that you may want or need to sell your home. You may be looking to get more space so that you can expand your family. You may be flipping a fixer upper home after putting in some work on it. You may even be looking to downsize and move to a busier area with your family. Whatever your real estate goals are, the first step is to get your house listed for sale. This can seem like a daunting task. By following these tips you can make the selling process less intimidating.

Tip No. 1: Get your listing on the MLS

The term MLS stands for Multiple Listing Service. This tool is designed specifically to help brokers and home sellers connect. Multiple listing service websites can often help you sell your home to a reputable buyer faster.

Tip No. 2: Share on social media 

There are specific real estate sections that exist on different social media apps. You can utilize these social media tools to list your home for sale. You can start off first by uploading photos, videos, and details related to the listing and then follow up with any potential buyers over email or over the app’s messaging service, if it has one. You also might want to share information about your home for sale on your personal social media accounts. Your friends, family members, or social media followers might be interested in potentially buying your home.

Tip No 3: Create a profile on Zillow 

Zillow and similar apps/ sites like those from the developers at Yalantis.com can help you to sell your home. Listing your home on Zillow is easy. Managing your listing is also easy, whether you are at work, at home, or on the go. Zillow offers great tools and services for real estate agents, sellers, and buyers. 

Tip No 4: Send E-Flyers

You can create e-flyers on your own or with the help of a graphic designer. There are simple and free graphic design apps available that you can utilize to design a real estate e-flyer. Remember to use professional fonts, colors, and photographs when designing your e-flyer. You can email the e-flyer to potential buyers or you can share it on social media. Your e-flyer should have a photo or two, some basic information, and some contact information listed on it. With some simple adjustments, you can also print the flyer to hang or distribute.

Tip No 5: Create your own video (virtual tour)

3d virtual home tours is a great way to show off your home to potential buyers. A video tour can be filmed on your own or with the assistance of a professional real estate cinematographer. Your tour should clearly show off all of the indoor and outdoor areas of your home including the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the dining area, the kitchen, the closets, any basements or attics, the front and back yard, the sidewalk, the doors, and all other areas of the property. You can add some verbal narration or background music to the video. You can also add captions or subtitles after filming.

Tip No 6: Be available for showing

Once you have some potential buyers interested in your home, it is important that you are available for showings with them. Being able to flexibly schedule showings with potential buyers will help you to sell your home more quickly and more effectively. Rescheduling and postponing showings will not appeal to potential buyers. Being able to move quickly and effectively will help you to sell your home without any difficulty or inconvenience. Make sure that you are also available to respond to phone calls and emails while your home is listed for sale.

Tip No 7: Set up an auction

Working with an auction company is another way to sell your home quickly and effectively. Do the math well in advance and make sure that you will be able to make as much money as you need to, even if the auction does not go well. Auctions are full of buyers who are ready to sign and spend on site. This can be one of the fastest ways to sell your home, especially in a pinch.

Final Thoughts

Selling your home can help you to balance your finances and improve your lifestyle. Contrary to popular belief, selling your home does not have to be a lengthy or difficult process. Auctions, MLS services, social media websites, and real estate apps can all help you to sell your home so that you can move faster. Even if you need to sell your home quickly, you want to represent it well to potential buyers so that you can maximize your overall profits. Creating great flyers and video tours can help you to do so. Putting in the extra effort is worth it when it comes to selling your home.