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How to Make Your Home Safe From Wildlife

Majestic and beautiful, the animals of the wild are one of nature’s greatest creations. From the tiniest snail to the largest whale, each plays a special role in keeping the Earth’s balance. Inhabiting different parts of the planet, they can be found in the deepest oceans, largest forests, and even in your city streets. Coexisting with them is an important factor in the preservation and protection of our wildlife.

However, these boundaries often get redefined when wild and untamed animals unintentionally enter human living spaces. They may not mean to, but the presence of wild animals in your home can be destructive and dangerous. So, how can you prioritize your family’s safety and prevent these potential wildlife home invasions? Find out here.

8 Tips for a Wildlife-free Home

A home is a place for rest and comfort. However, when wildlife accidentally finds their way into your home, they could carry with them diseases, fleas, and harmful bacteria. Their unpredictable behaviour may also lead to property damages and injuries. Instead of waiting for a bear or raccoon to wreak havoc in your home, try out these prevention tips now, to keep your house secure and wildlife-free:

1. Inspect and Repair Your Lawns

Burrows and holes in your gardens are the perfect hiding spots for raccoons, rats, squirrels, and moles. These nooks and crannies act as a perfectly insulated home for these uninvited guests.

They may not be a problem while they’re outside, but when winter rolls around, these animals will start looking for a better shelter with heat and food sources and what could be more convenient than your house.

So, before you let their population grow, make sure to inspect your lawn and fill those burrows right away. Dead trees, fallen-off branches, and leaves can also provide them with nesting materials. If you want to keep your trees trimmed and clean, without actively harming the animals that are already there, hire professional services like tree pruning in Aurora.

2. Properly Dispose of Rubbish and Leftovers

Kitchen trash and leftovers are a temptation for wild animals loitering around your home. Its pungent aroma can attract any raccoon, rat, or squirrel that’s hoping to score a quick bite.

So, if you want these animals to stop foraging, and potentially entering your kitchen windows, properly dispose of your leftovers by placing them in special bins or having a secure compost pit.

Stagnant water in empty pots and containers should also be emptied as they may be breeding grounds for harmful insects and serve as a water source for animals. Cleaning your grill after use and building a fence around your home are also good ways to discourage unwelcome arrivals.

3. Chimney Capping

Capping or covering your chimney up has been a usual practice during winter. To prevent snow and rain from entering, installing one can help you keep your fireplace clean.

However, you might want to consider keeping that chimney cap the whole year-round because chimneys can act as a possible entrance for animals and birds.  Additionally, these caps also prevent dangerous sparks from exiting your chimney, which can help you become safer too.

4. Consult with Experts

Handling wild and untamed animals on your own is always a risk. Be it a tiny house mouse, or scary garden snake, they bring with them different hazards and dangers. From rabies, venom, fleas, and disease, each introduces an additional risk other than causing damage to your home.

So, if you’re unfamiliar with the animal that you’re dealing with, it’s best to hire the nearest wildlife control in Barrie. With their proper gear and training, they’ll be able to handle the problem without inflicting physical harm on the animal.

5. Use Secure Bins

Your trash bins are a feast in the eyes of wild animals. To them, it’s a cornucopia of food and delectable goods that they can’t wait to munch into. Instead of simply placing your trash in flimsy and poorly-constructed bags, it’s best to invest in high-quality and securely-lidded bins.

With raccoons smart enough to open them, having a locking system is advised. This might seem like a waste at first because it’s just trash but you won’t be saying that when you’re home is safe and wildlife-free.

6. Feed Pets Inside

Having a separate place for your pets to eat is often done for hygienic purposes. For owners who do not want their carpets and hardwood floors dinged up and messy, they might opt to feed their pets outside.

However, leaving unfinished food out when your pets are done eating is the biggest mistake you could make. As soon as your dogs and cats leave, all these other animals will then swoop in and make their own mess too.

They might even be tempted to go in and have some more. So, when your pets are done eating, make sure to keep the feeding bowls inside and clean them right away. It’s also best to store your pet food in airtight boxes for safety.

7. Beware of Cracks and Gaps

Undetected and well-hidden cracks and gaps in your home are the perfect breeding places for wild animals. Used as burrows and nests, these foundation and exterior problems should be repaired and sealed right away.

However, if these holes have already been occupied by animals, then it’s best to let them leave first before sealing them, as they might only dig deeper into your walls. One way to know whether an animal has already been living in it is by looking for trails of animal droppings and fur.

8. Regular Lawn Cleaning

Raking and weeding are crucial steps in both keeping your lawn clean and preventing wild animals from entering your home. Dead leaves and overgrown weeds can act as bedding and nesting ground for them.

An overly-lush tree with abundant branches and leaves can also be a potential home. Some might even take these branches and bring them directly into your roofs and attics as they burrow in there for warmth. Prevent all these from happening by hiring an expert tree service in King City to keep your lawn clean and free from intruders.

Keeping your home safe from wildlife invasions can be quite challenging to achieve. It requires year-round lawn and house maintenance to make sure that you are always protected.

However, you also have to understand that these animals are not intentionally entering your home for malicious reasons.

They are often there by accident, confused and attracted to the smell of your food and trash, and they are commonly the ones who end up getting hurt and killed. So, to keep both you and them safe from any dangerous encounter, prevent them from entering your home with these tips.

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