How Important Is a Good Bed?


Sleep is like a wonder drug for our bodies. Not only does it lower blood pressure, balance your blood sugar and ward off disease but also depression.

Having a good bed is the key to getting a good night’s rest. If you’re tossing and turning on an uncomfortable mattress, that doesn’t lead to good sleep.

Actually going from a bad bed to a good bed can lower your stress levels! You can find the best one.

Getting a Comfortable Mattress

The key component is the mattress you’re using. Different people know what they like, whether firm or softer. There are different types on the market:

  • Innerspring
  • Foam – polyurethane memory foam, natural latex and synthetic latex
  • Hybrids are the most common.

However, it needs to be of sufficient quality, such as mattresses from Divan Bed Centre. Experts tend to agree that medium firmness is good for spine alignment and quality rest.

Memory foam mattresses have grown in popularity. Many people like the feeling of sinking into it, and find it decreases body aches and pains.

However, latex foam is actually better for the body. That’s because it doesn’t put as much pressure on the body and doesn’t get as warm.

Adjustable firmness is a big plus in a mattress, but you will pay a little more for it.

Often people sleep on mattresses that aren’t good quality because they don’t have a big budget. However, cheaper mattresses have a shorter lifespan, so it’s a false economy.

The Importance of a Good Bed

Of course, having a mattress on the floor isn’t a good idea either. You need to have a decent bed to support it.

When you have a good bed, it will last for years. It’s important that it is structurally sound, as you don’t want to wake up crashing onto the floor.

When you’re young or live in furnished accommodation, you may not have a choice. However, if you think of how many good night’s sleep you sacrificed, you may be alarmed.

What Happens if You Don’t Sleep Well?

The first thing that you notice from not sleeping well is the tiredness. This makes you grumpy, listless and you’ll find it hard to concentrate.

No one likes being tired, but that is just one indicator of bad sleep. Others include:

  • Forgetting Things: Do you struggle with your memory? If you don’t get enough shuteye, your brain can’t lock in your memories.
  • Skin Problems: A lack of sleep can cause fine lines to build up, make your skin uneven and cause breakouts.
  • Lower Immunity: Not sleeping properly can affect your immune system. This means it’s hard to fight off viruses and illness.
  • Low Sex Drive: When you’re tired, you’re not in the mood. Over the long term, your sex drive can be reduced 10% – 15% due to hormone changes.
  • Breathing Issues: If you’re not getting at least 7 hours, this can affect your breathing pattern. This makes you more likely to catch cold, flu or other respiratory infections.
  • Weight Gain: Believe it or not, pre-bed snacking can also be blamed on lack of sleep. The brain reduces your levels of leptin, increases your levels of ghrelin and voila, you need sugar.
  • Diabetes: As well as the problems above, you don’t produce enough insulin if you’re not sleeping enough. This can lead to diabetes.
  • Heart Problems: More bad news. If you’re sleeping less than 5 hours per night, you’re more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes.

None of those are much fun! It makes more sense to get 7 – 9 hours of sleep regularly so that you can stay fully functional.

A Good Bed + Calm Environment = Nights of Sleep

Invest in your favourite from the Divan Bed Centre, and you’ll be at least 80% of the way there. Other things you can do to ease yourself into a dreamy sleep are:

  • Put down your phone at night, preferably an hour before sleep
  • Buy some comfy bed linens
  • Avoid too much alcohol
  • Go to bed at the same time every night.

Happy sleeping!